My Story

#MyStory: You Can Be The Lifesaving Match For My Son Juhit Who Has A Rare Blood Disorder
“Please do register as a blood stem cell donor to help my son and other blood disorder patients like him.”

MyStory: ‘Doctor’s Told Us He Will Not Survive, But My Son Fought All Odds And Is 21-Month-Old Now’
When Chhavi Rathore’s got to know about her son’s rare genetic disorder, she was devastates. After consulting multiple doctors and treatment sessions, her son recovered and is in a better state. Now, she wants to establish programs through which she could assist other parents facing similar dilemmas.

MyStory: ‘If We Want To Eradicate Female Genital Mutilation By 2030, We Need To Talk About It’
Sanya Sharma read about female genital mutilation when she was in her first year of law college. Today, through her project, ‘Scarlet Udaan’, she is working on normalising conversations on this topic.

#MyStory: From Civil Engineer To Bestselling Author, Here Is My Journey Towards My Calling!
Even though I was a technocrat all my life, I had a fervent passion and calling for literature.

MyStory: ‘Doctors Said I Wouldn’t Be Alive For More Than Three Days, Today I Am A 26-Year-Old 3D Artist’
Akshay Singh Chauhan was born with a deformed body and the doctors told at the time of his birth that he won’t be able to survive long. Although, he recovered over time and now works as an artist, writer and mental health activist.

My Story: ‘Kids’ Determination Gave Me Strength To Teach Them’
Mohit Agarwal and Aditee Zanpure started teaching kids in a government school in Bengaluru. Overcoming initial struggles that they faced, they gradually learnt how to teach kids effectively. Now, they’re gearing up for online classes as the schools are shut due to the pandemic.

My Story: ‘I Lost My Father To Sickle Cell Anaemia When I Was 8, Today I Am Working To Find A Cure’
Ruthik Thorat is working as a student researcher with Mumbai-based HiMedia Laboratories on a novel drug that gives a pleiotropic effect for sickle cell anaemia.

My Story: ‘I Was Diagnosed With Alopecia When I Was Just 16 Years Old’
Tanya Maheshwari suffered from Alopecia since she was 16. She faced social anxiety went into depression, but with time, she learnt to accept herself.

#MyStory: A Blood Stem Cell Donor Saved My Daughter’s Life And Here’s How You Can Become A Lifesaver Too!
Every 5 minutes someone in India is diagnosed with blood cancer and other blood disorders.

MyStory: ‘Education Is The Only Tool With Power To Transform Lives’
Eighteen-year-old Sadiya Shaikh was born in Deora, a small village of Darbhanga district in Bihar but her family decided to migrate to the city for a better education that would ensure them a better life. During lockdown, she returned to her native state to start a community library.

My Story: ‘Ruminations On Having Rape Wished On Me For First Time’
Samriddha Dutta, while recounting her experience of being online shamed, trolled and objectified, highlights that one is capable of inflicting actual damage through virtual verbal abuse.

MyStory: ‘The Downhill Is Always The Most Slippery, But If You Make Your Way Out Of It, There Is Nothing Like It’
Parth Upadhyaya always obsessed climbing the summit Mount Everest in his prime years. After waiting for nine years, he finally went on for expedition along with other climbers. Although his expedition was not an easy one and he was rescued by a Sherpa in a blackout moment.
My Story
- Life
- Experiences
- Inspiration
Real-life, first-person accounts that remind us every human has a story to tell, experiences to share, and actions to inspire.