Eight States Have Fully Inoculated 10% Of Target Population Against COVID

Picture credit: The New Indian Express

The Logical Indian Crew

Eight States Have Fully Inoculated 10% Of Target Population Against COVID

States like Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and Bihar have been able to fully vaccinate only 5 per cent of the target population.

More than six months after the COVID-19 vaccination drive began, only eight states have fully inoculated 10 per cent of their target population. States like Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and Bihar have been able to fully vaccinate only 5 per cent of the target population.

Only two large states -- Kerala (13.2 per cent) and Gujarat (13.07 per cent) -- are among the eight top performers as the rest are smaller and less populous Himachal Pradesh (14.66 per cent), Uttarakhand (10.35 per cent), Delhi (12.57 per cent), Tripura (22.85 per cent), Sikkim (23.6 per cent) and Arunachal Pradesh (10.62 per cent).

Administered One Dose To Majority

According to Deccan Herald's analysis, records show that most of the states have given a minimum of one shot to the target groups, but when it comes to administering two doses to a resident, the states fall far short of the target.

For example, Himachal Pradesh has administered the first dose to 62 per cent of its target population of 54 lakh, but only 14 per cent have two got doses of vaccine. In Karnataka, only 43 per cent and 9 per cent of the target 4.32 crore population have received the first and second dose of vaccine, respectively.

Karnataka is among the four states and union territories – other than Goa, Chhattisgarh and Jammu and Kashmir – that have vaccinated more than 9 per cent of their target residents with two doses.

"Recent vaccine effectiveness studies from India have shown that the risk reduction is associated with being fully vaccinated. Evidence of surges in Covid-19 cases in countries with low vaccine coverage is a worrying development as variants of concern like Delta are fuelling such charges," Oommen John, a senior public health researcher at the George Institute for Global Health told Deccan Herald.

Shortage Of Vaccines

The majority of the states are facing a shortage of vaccines, compelling them to shut down the centres. In the first eight days of July, the average daily vaccination doses stood at 43 lakh, which is 23 lakh doses less than the average daily doses in the last week of June month.

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Contributors Suggest Correction
Writer : Sanal M Sudevan
Editor : Madhusree Goswami
Creatives : Sanal M Sudevan

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