My Story

Life Story: The People Here Appreciate You For Who You Are, They Never Judge You Based On Where You’re From
I am from Vietnam. If there is one thing you should know about Vietnam it is this: peaceful and happy are the only two words

My Story: Two Similar & Fatal Accidents Brought Two Differently-Abled People Together
“We met at a medical convention around 9 years ago. It’s strange, but we went through very similar accidents — we both sustained injuries to

I Saved A Six-Months-Old Baby From An Accident & Raised Him As My Son; 11 Yrs, Later His Father Came & Took Him Away
“Many years ago, I pulled out a six months old baby from inside a bus that had crashed in the highway. The mother had died

My Story: I Wept Off Her Tears With One Hand While My Daughter Cried And Said She Didn’t Want A New Dress
Yesterday, I was able to buy a new dress for my daughter after two years. While I handed sixty pieces of five taka note to

My Story: Judging People Based On Their Body Shape – We Don’t Realise It, But It Affects Lives & Morals
What are your opinions regarding fat shaming? How often do people judge each other based on body image? We live in a society where we

My Story: They Asked Me That Either You Can Leave The Sport Or Get Your Beard Shaved
“I was twelve years old when sports teacher at my school suggested me to join wrestling. There was going to be an inter-school wrestling competition

My Story: In The Middle Of Night I Would Feel Her Tears All Over My T-Shirt
“My father left my mother when I was still in her womb, so my mother has played the role of both parents in my life.

My Story: “I Did Not Want To Kill Him. I Wanted Him To Be In My Life”
“I did not want to kill him. I wanted him to be in my life. I knew that if anyone could find it out, they

My Story: I Lost My Fiancé In A Hit And Run Case; It’s Been 8 Years And I Continue To Love Him
I saw stories of faith, love and perseverance. And after a lot of thought, I decided to pen down my story for the world to

My Story: After Losing My Hands At The Age Of 10, I Painted More Than 1 Lakh Paintings
“I was playing with my friends near a sugarcane grinder and somehow both my hands got dragged into the grinder and that is how I

My Story: I Felt So Alone And Scared, But I Found The Courage Within Me To Keep Pushing
“Life is uncertain — there are so many things we can’t control. With the right person by your side all those uncertainties, risks and struggles

My Story: Today, No One Knows Who Stays Next Door. Somewhere We Have Lost The Human Touch
“I am a Thanekar since 1939. I remember, earlier on Ram Maruti road, where I stay, everyone knew each other. Elders even had the right
My Story
- Life
- Experiences
- Inspiration
Real-life, first-person accounts that remind us every human has a story to tell, experiences to share, and actions to inspire.