My Story

My Story: I Had Lost Both My Arms And Legs; I Was Furious, Upset, And In Great Pain
“When I arrived to have my legs amputated, I was wearing bright purple nail polish on my feet. Might as well go out in style,

My Story: “I Do Not Want The Same Fate For My Children, Especially My Daughter”
“I am a single mother of two. And it has not been easy. After he left, he stopped all financial support. I single-handedly bore all

My Story: From A Person Who Used To Run The House, Now He Is A Child Who Throws Tantrums And Is In His Own World
“Next month is our fiftieth wedding anniversary. Ours was a typical arranged marriage. He was dominating, I was submissive, and we barely knew each other

My Story: When We Decided To Get Married, There Were A Lot Of Rumors But She Never Gave Up On Me
He Said: “All she did was go home one week to meet her parents. That is all. I had fallen in love with her. If

My Story: I Asked The Nurse To Pick My Leg Off The Floor Since It Seemed To Have Fallen Off
“It was 2010 in Nangal, Punjab, I was studying hard, playing hard. Until one day, everything decided to get shaken up a tad. I was

“I Sold My Mangal Sutra To Get Money & My Children Started Working In Order To Support The Family”
“I AM NOT WHAT HAPPENED TO ME , I AM WHAT I CHOOSE TO BECOME,” Meet Shraddha Shinde a spirited young woman who has completed

My Story: My Family Agreed To The Marriage, But They Didn’t Like Him Because Of His Job & Background
“My teachers back in school always believed in me and told me that I would go places since I was a bright student. I was

My Story: The Treatment Took Six Long Years And 400 Painful Injections; Today, I Am A Survivor
“I was 16 when I first started feeling sick. I was appearing for my board exams and could not stop coughing. I remember that feeling

My Story: This Auto Driver Sensed My Helplessness And Offered Me Rs 3000, I Was Overwhelmed By His Act
Every once in a while, our experiences lead to a reaffirming of our faith in humanity. This is a story of how humanity prevailed and

My Story: Two Men Dragged Me Towards The Door. I Lost Balance And Fell Down On The Railway Track
“I started living by myself for the first time when I got a job in Hyderabad. I loved it and the job was great, but

My Story: That Day I Got To Know, My Mother Died Because She Was Very Young & Was Married At My Age
“My mother died when I was born. I had no idea how she was. My father never looked or talked with me but fulfilled all

My Story: I Lost My Leg In An Accident & It Took Me Seven Months To Get Prosthetic
“Life was perfect. I had a loving family, great friends, an amazing boyfriend, and a killer grade card in college. My life had everything going
My Story
- Life
- Experiences
- Inspiration
Real-life, first-person accounts that remind us every human has a story to tell, experiences to share, and actions to inspire.