My Story

My Story: When I Did Not Conceive, My Mother-In-Law Took Me To The Tantrik
“Sit besides me with a strong heart, I will tell you my story. I was given away to an older man when I was little.

My Story: My Husband & I Were Immobilized For Six Months. My Son Kept Blaming Himself For The Accident
“Growing up in Udupi, my house was filled with pre-independence stories. I got married soon after my graduation. As per the Bunt tradition, my father

My Story: I Always Had The Fear Every Dark-Skinned Woman Has At The Thought Of Losing Her Husband
“The day when I was born, nobody touched food. Because I was the fourth daughter of my parents. My black skin color made the situation

My Story: ‘Son, Whatever You Do In Life, Never Be Indebted To Someone. You Lose Your Freedom’
“Father was a poor man who worked for a rich man. I would go with father to the landlord’s house to help him with his

My Story: I Am Waiting For A Day When People Stop Laughing At My English And Accept Me With My Hindi
” I sell books on streets to make our basic needs. We all work on the street. The books I sell are mostly for young

My Story: I Never Told My Children What Was My Job. I Never Wanted Them To Feel Shame Because Of Me
“I never told my children what was my job. I never wanted them to feel shame because of me. When my youngest daughter asked me

My Story: I And My Wife Starved Whole Day After Feeding Our Kids. She Never Said That I Failed As A Husband
“Last year we fled together. We never thought we could do that. I knew that our children may stop communicating with us. But I and

My Story: I Was On The Road, Almost Unconscious And Calling For Help, But People Ignored Me And Walked By
“I was partially conscious on the road and calling for help. Passersby decided to ignore me and just walk by. Finally, a grandmother gave me

My Story: Once While Working As A Security Guard, I Was Fired Because I Was Reading Newspaper
My education qualification has been quite below the mark. I loved studying but due to financial problems and in order to support my family’s needs

My Story: Never Thought I Would Become A Dentist, But On Wheels, I Became A Gold Medalist
“I had a normal childhood. I topped my BDS exams and was on my way to present a paper at a conference in Chennai when

MyStory: “The Most Soul-Satisfying Thing I Ever Did? Saving A Woman Who Was Left To Die On Railway Tracks”
“One of my friends, Deepak, saw a lady lying near the railway station of Dhanbad since many weeks. Her entire face was covered with dirt

MyStory: In Few Years I Realised That This Race Of Wanting More, Finding Joy In Material Things Is Never Ending
“I was born and brought up in a big joint family in a small town, a kind of place where everybody knows everybody and where
My Story
- Life
- Experiences
- Inspiration
Real-life, first-person accounts that remind us every human has a story to tell, experiences to share, and actions to inspire.