Police Thrashed Youths For Chanting Pro Pakistan Slogans? Old Video Viral With Fake Claim

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The Logical Indian Crew

Police Thrashed Youths For Chanting Pro Pakistan Slogans? Old Video Viral With Fake Claim

While Sharing this video, people on social media claimed that the youths in the video are from Rajasthan who went to Kashmir and chanted slogans like 'Pakistan Zindabad' were thrashed by the police. The Logical Indian Fact Check team verified the claim.

A video of youths thrashed by police is going viral on social media. In the viral video, some seriously injured youths can be seen lying on the ground while the police officers wearing riot gear ask them to chant Vande Mataram and sing the national anthem. While sharing this video, it is being claimed that the youths in the video are from Rajasthan who went to Kashmir. They chanted slogans like 'Pakistan Zindabad' and were thrashed by the police.

A Twitter user shared this video with a Hindi caption that reads, "राजस्थान से कई मुसलमान लङके कश्मीर घूमने गये। वहां ये लोग जोर शोर से नारे लगाने लगे : " पाकिस्तान जिंदाबाद ! "भारत को हिंदू राष्ट्र नहीं बनने देंगे !" हाहा।इन नारा लगाने वाल लफंगेे देशद्रोहियों को भारतीय सैनिकों ने ऐसे ठोका ऐसे ठोका कि हालत खराब कर दी."

[English Translation: Many Muslim boys from Rajasthan went to visit Kashmir. There these people started shouting slogans loudly: "Pakistan Zindabad!" "Won't let India become a Hindu nation!" Haha. Indian soldiers thrashed these slogan-raising traitors.]

Image Credit: Twitter

[Trigger Warning: The Logical Indian has not embedded the video due to its graphic nature and strong language. The video link is here.]

Image Credit: Twitter

It is being widely shared on Facebook and Twitter with a similar claim.

Image Credit: Facebook


Muslim youths from Rajasthan went to Kashmir and were thrashed by soldiers for chanting pro-Pakistan slogans.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian Fact Check team verified the claim and found it false. The viral video is of the Delhi riot, which happened in February 2021.

We extracted different keyframes of the shared video using the InVid tool and ran a google reverse image search. It led us to several media reports dated back to February 2020. We found the still of the viral video in a report of The Lallantop dated February 29 2020. According to the report, the viral video is from the Delhi riots where five youths were thrashed by Delhi Police and forced to sing the National anthem. There are at least seven policemen around these people. The policemen brutally thrashed the youths and can be heard saying words like, 'sing well', you want azaadi (freedom). These five youths were residents of the Kardampuri locality and its adjoining colonies.

We also found the same video in a report of BBC dated February 25 2021. According to the report, among five youths, Faizan, 23, a resident of Kardampuri, died three days after the incident took place. Faizan was declared dead on February 27 at Delhi's GTB Hospital. Her mother, Kismatun, alleged that Faizan died due to non-availability of treatment after brutal beatings by Delhi Police.

Media outlets like NDTV, The Indian Express, Scroll, The Times of India also reported the incident at that time.

We also searched for the media report related to Rajasthan Youths thrashed by armed forces for Pro Pakistan slogans in Kashmir. However, we could not find any credible media reports to verify the viral claim. To sum it up, an old video of the Delhi riots, which took place in February 2020, was falsely shared as recent. In the viral video, Delhi police thrashed Muslim youths and forced them to sing the national anthem. Hence, the viral claim is false.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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Contributors Suggest Correction
Writer : Jakir Hassan
Editor : Bharat Nayak
Creatives : Jakir Hassan