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Morphed Video Viral Claiming S Jaishankar Violated Quarantine Rules During G7 Summit

Netizens are sharing a morphed video to claim Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and other Indian delegates flouted quarantine rules during the G7 summit. The Logical Indian Fact Check team takes you through the reality.

A video that seems like a news report is being shared on social media in which a voice-over says that the External Affairs Minister of India S Jaishankar, during his visit to the G7 summit, denied quarantining himself after two Indian delegates were tested positive for coronavirus.

A part of the video also says that in order to meet United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken and British Home Secretary Preeti Patel during the summit, S Jaishankar violated the isolation norms. Later part of the video says, "Photographs have emerged from Thursday, showing an unmasked Indian Foreign Minister and an unmasked Indian High Commissioner flouting self-isolation rule. The experience with the G7 delegation shows that they have no respect for the rules of the law." The voiceover also says that due to the irresponsible behaviour of Indian delegates, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Borris Johnson, must speak to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and deny Indian delegates to participate in the G7 summit.

The video is shared by a Twitter user, @iraniShenaz1958, with the caption, "Indians behave carelessly at G7 as their PM behaves in India ... indian team highly insulted and advised not to take part in next months meeting ." The archive of the link can be seen here. The account is suspended as of now. 

The video is being widely shared by many Twitter handles. 

Many Facebook users are also sharing the video.


S Jaishankar, Indian External Affairs Minister, violated the coronavirus isolation rules in the G7 summit.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian found that the viral video is morphed.

A Twitter user, Yousuf Jawed (@you_sufism), had replied to the tweet of @iraniShenaz1958, with a YouTube video link and caption, "Don't spread fake news, the original video is here."

The link shared by @you_sufism lead to a Youtube channel of Sky News, where a similar video was published on May 6, 2021, with a caption, "Foreign Secretary defends G7 meeting after two tests positive for COVID-19."

We noticed that the part of the viral video till 1:03 timestamp is the same as the video uploaded by Sky News, but the latter part of the video does not match with the video shared by Sky News. It is the latter part of the segment in which the narrator claims that S Jaishankar and other Indian delegates flouted the isolation norms and went to meet Antony Blinken and Priti Patel. Also, on close observation, we found that the narrative changes completely in the second part of the video.

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We also found that S Jaishankar had met Antony Blinken and Preeti Patel on May 3 and May 4, respectively, and shared the same images on his Twitter. The news of two Indian delegates testing positive for coronavirus came on the evening of May 4. 

According to a Tweet by S Jaishankar, after the information of two delegates testing COVID-positive came, he conducted the summit virtually.

While we did not find any reports of S Jaishankar flouting the isolation norms, we found that he has tested negative and is back in India. He informed this through a Tweet.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

Also Read: Fact Check: Video Viral To Show Oxygen Is Being Wasted In Delhi To Create Artificial Shortage

Claim Review :  S Jaishankar, Indian External Affairs Minister violated the coronavirus isolation rules.
Claimed By :  Social Media
Fact Check :  False
ContributorsSuggest Correction
Writer : Yusha Rahman
Editor : Bharat Nayak
Creatives : Yusha Rahman