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Scripted Drama Video Shared With Claim Of Muslim Boys Molesting Hindu Girls

A CCTV footage of boys molesting girls is doing rounds on social media with a false claim. However, the video is fictitious and was made for spreading awareness.

CCTV footage of a few boys misbehaving with a girl is viral on social media. In the viral video, three boys can be seen harassing a girl at a bus stand. After a few seconds, a few girls come near the boys and sprays something on the boys' eyes, due to which they fall to the ground. It is being claimed that the viral video is of Muslim boys who tried to harass Hindu girls.

While sharing this video a Twitter user wrote a caption in Hindi that reads, ये जिहादी गुन्डे इन लड़कियो को द्देड़ २हे थे ,इन लड़कियो ने तीनों की ऑखें फोड़ दी अव यह तीनों जिहादी जमीन पर लोट रहे है। हिन्दुओ अपनी लड़की को ऐसी शिक्षा दो जो उनकी तरफ ऑख उठाये वह उसकी ऑख निकाल ले। पर्स में सिर्फ जरुरत के सामान ही नहीं बल्की तेजाब का स्प्रे भी रखना चाहिए."

[English Translation: These jihadi goons were fighting these girls, these girls broke the eyes of all three, and these three jihadis are rolling on the ground. Hindus, give such an education to your girl who will lift her eyes and take out her eyes. Not only essential items but also acid spray should be kept in the purse.]

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It is being widely shared on Facebook and Twitter.


Muslim boys were molesting Hindu girls.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian Fact Check team verified the claim and found it to be false.

We found that a disclaimer comes at the end of this video for a few seconds on observing the video. It reads, "This reel life video footage is published only to educate the public by making them understand how the real world situations will be. During this video making, we have taken real incidents and picturized to educate the public. Characters in this video are for entertainment and education purposes only. "We Can Learn from the experience of others." It clearly means the viral video is scripted.

Image Credit: Facebook

After that, we extracted different keyframes of the shared video using the InVid tool and conducted a google reverse image search. We found this video on a Facebook page named LOBO 619 dated 29 February 2020. The caption of the video reads in English, "THIS WAS SO UNEXPECTED. Thank you for watching! Please be aware that this page features scripted dramas and parodies as well. These short films are for educational purposes only."

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Our investigation shows that the viral video is not an actual incident but a fictional video made for entertainment and education purposes. Hence, the viral claim is false.

The Logical Indian Fact Check team debunked a similar video in the past as well. Click here to read.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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Claim Review :  Video Is Of Muslim Boys Molesting Hindu Girls
Claimed By :  Social Media Post
Fact Check :  False
ContributorsSuggest Correction
Writer : Jakir Hassan
Editor : Bharat Nayak
Creatives : Jakir Hassan