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Green Tech! Kerala Startup Offers Web Platform To Plant & Track Trees, Wins Award In 'Climathon-2022'

Tree Tag is an initiative by a few climate-conscious persons from Kerala to increase tree planting transparency and assure tree survival. At the Kerala Startup Mission's (KSUM) Climathon competition, the concept won ₹5 lakh cash grand prize.

Imagine a digital platform that helps you track the growth of thousands of trees in a vast area at the click of a button. A team of climate-conscious people in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, has brought this idea to life.

Tree Tag Private Limited, a unique startup created by Abhijith Kumar Meenakumari and Aashuthosh B Sai, provides various innovative services through its web-based platform aimed at digitising the tree plantation push through collaboration with like-minded NGOs. Their creative idea recently won ₹5 lakh cash grand prize at Climathon, an event by the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM).

Web Application To Plant & Track Trees

The team has created an application that might enable transparency when planting trees and following their progress as a striking response to the issue of abandoned seedlings. Through appropriate data maintenance, Tree Tag increases accountability and transparency for tree planting campaigns as part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities.

Mohamed Wazeer, Chief Operating Officer of Tree Tag, said that they also provide NGOs with technical assistance so they may digitise their commitment to tree planting campaigns. He added that users could pick the regions and the trees they want to use. He expressed, "Besides, we also support carbon credit-based projects by companies."

Tree Tag's web-based platform has a vast selection of user-profiles and sub-profiles that make managing afforestation projects simple. The platform, which was created to track and update the health of trees regularly, offers technical assistance for utilising the land for afforestation by permitting human tree mapping and employing drones and satellites.

Wins Award In 'Climathon-2022'

According to Abhijith Kumar Meenakumari, Chief Executive Officer of Tree Tag, the achievement demonstrates an excellent opportunity for concepts with a similar foundation supported by clear answers to the significant environmental issues, reported the Times of India.

He said that connecting with many cheerful and intelligent individuals from EY, KSUM, and other startups was a priceless experience. He added that the Team Tree Tag is now more confident to scale this idea to national and international status by next year.

The Climathon proposed the following problem statements: Life Below Water and Life On Land, Climate Action, No Poverty, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Affordable and Clean Energy, Responsible Consumption, and Production. With its solution to the issue of "monitoring and conserving existing forest ecosystems," Tree Tag earned the prize in the Life On Land category.

Also Read: Library On Trees! Here's How This NGO In Assam Is Reconnecting Students To Their Roots

ContributorsSuggest Correction
Writer : Deepthi Rao
Editor : Shiva Chaudhary
Creatives : Shiva Chaudhary