The Logical Indian Crew

All About Kindness! Twitter Rallies Together To Buy Zomato Delivery Man A Bike

Durga Meena has been working with Zomato for four months, Earlier a teacher, he lost his job during the pandemic and his financial conditions pushed him to work for the food aggregator platform.

Social media platforms prove to be a mixed bag. There are days when it is a cesspool of hatred, resulting in our faith in humanity plummeting every second. However, a few heartwarming instances are enough to bring a smile to our faces. An example of the same took place on Twitter which is steeped in compassion and kindness.

Recently, the microblogging site rallied together to help a 31-year-old man named Durga Meena. Thanks to a Twitter user, netizens decided to raise money and buy a motorcycle for Meena, who is a Zomato delivery agent by profession.

Helping In The Time Of Need

A man named Aditya Sharma shared Durga Meena's picture on his Twitter page. He had come to deliver food to him via Zomato on a bicycle. Currently, several parts of India are enveloped in scorching heat. Despite it, the delivery man battled the heatwave in Rajasthan to deliver Sharma's order on time. Looking at this, the latter decided to get to know the former.

"He (Durga Meena) has been delivering for four months and earning ₹10,000 around a month. Durga is a teacher and he is into teaching for 12 years. During covid, he lost his job of teaching in a school and he was talking with me in English," Sharma explains it all on Twitter. Despite holding both a BCom and MCom, Meena's abysmal financial conditions forced him to join Zomato to make ends meet.

Durga Meena is aiming to save up his income to buy two things - a laptop and a motorbike. With online classes gaining popularity, he wants to hold virtual classes so that he could get back to teaching. The second item on the list, the motorbike, is the need of the hour. "Sir, I am able to do 10-12 deliveries a day but I hardly get any time to breathe. This is why I want to buy a bike," Later, he asked the user if he could manage the downpayment, while he will handle the EMI and pay it all within four months," he said.

It was this request that sparked an idea in Aditya Sharma's mind. He expressed the desire to crowdfund around Rs 75,000. "I know its a huge amount but if this reaches 75k people and each person gives ₹1, we can fulfil his wish of having a bike," Sharma added on the microblogging site.

Received Instant Response

Aditya Sharma's fundraising received a positive response. According to The Quint, it received close to ₹1,00,000 from netizens in a matter of days. Sharma made sure to update the details on his Twitter page so that people stayed updated with the process. Once he collected enough amount, he informed Durga Meena about it, who had tears in his eyes seeing the money. "He was crying and telling me that I have seen God," Sharma tweeted.

On April 12, Sharma called Durga Meena to the motorcycle showroom to purchase the bike. His reaction was priceless when he received the key for the same. Later, the Twitter user thanked the netizens for their help and their ability to expand their network to help the Zomato delivery man.

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Contributors Suggest Correction
Writer : Akanksha Saxena
Editor : Snehadri Sarkar
Creatives : Akanksha Saxena

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