“The home is the most likely place for a woman to be killed,” said a United Nation report. The report that was released on November 25 on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, has revealed shocking data on the gender-related killing of women and girls.
The study, published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) was done in an attempt to analyse crime against women and girls and also to understand the relationship between these crimes and the status of women in the society.
The report has come up with startling data, which said that around 87,000 women were killed around the world last year. Out of the total, some 50,000 or 58 per cent have been killed at the hands of their intimate partners or close relatives. Of the total killings, approximately 30,000 women were killed by an intimate partner, while the rest 20,000 women were killed by their relatives. Shocking it may seem but this data also suggests that worldwide some six women being killed every hour by the people who they know closely.
Women are at higher risk
The study further said male homicide rates are higher. According to the report, men accounted for eight out of 10 homicide victims worldwide. However, 8 out of 10 female victims were said to be killed by their abusive partner. The report suggests that a lot of women have to face brutality by their intimate partners which continues to take a heavy toll on women.
“While the vast majority of homicide victims are men, women continue to pay the highest price as a result of gender inequality, discrimination and negative stereotypes. They are also the most likely to be killed by intimate partners and family,” said UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov.

The UN report findings are compiled by using statistics of the year 2017. These findings are based on homicide statistics provided by government sources. Importantly, these figures are from homicide crimes inflicted on women by their intimate partner/family.
According to the Fedotov, “Targeted criminal justice responses are needed to prevent and end gender-related killings.”
Africa on the top
The study suggested that the global rate of women being killed by intimate partners or family members was around 1.3 victims per 100,000 female population.
The report has also said that Africa and America are the worst regions for women. As the report claims, in Africa, the rate at which women are being killed by partners and relatives was around 3.1 victims per 100,000 female population.
Second, on the list is America where the rate was 1.6 victims, in Oceania, it was 1.3. In Asia, the rate was 0.9. In the report, the lowest rank was given to Europe, with 0.7 victims per 100,000 female population.

Concluding the report, the study said that there was an urgent need for effective crime prevention and criminal justice to the women. It also urges for a better coordination between police and the justice system as well as between health and social services. The study has also emphasised that men should be involved in the process of making these efforts.