In Viral LinkedIn Post, Co-Founder Shares Encounter With Nervous Intern, Urges To Create Safe Space For Newbies

Image Credits: Unsplash (Representational), LinkedIn/LisaSHeaMundt

The Logical Indian Crew

In Viral LinkedIn Post, Co-Founder Shares Encounter With Nervous Intern, Urges To Create Safe Space For Newbies

Lisa Mundt, the Co-founder of The Pulse of GovCon, said the intern looked "scared as hell" to be there, reminding Lisa of her internship days. In an act of empathy and kindness, she offered to be the first person the intern networked with.

A new employee or intern is bound to get anxious on their first day at work or during their first work event, especially when it marks the beginning of their career. At such a point, it really helps when professionals and experts in the field show empathy and provide much-needed guidance to boost the confidence.

In a similar milieu, a user named Lisa Shea Mundt, in a LinkedIn post that has now gone viral, shared her experience with an intern she met at a networking event. She described the encounter saying she created a safe space for the nervous intern to practice her pitch.

Kindness In Business

Lisa Mundt, the Co-founder of The Pulse of GovCon, expressed how she understood the woman was an intern because she looked "scared as hell" to be there, reminding Lisa of her internship days. In an act of empathy and kindness, she offered to be the first person the intern networked with, giving her the space to practice.

As the intern stumbled through her pitch, Lisa told her, "It's okay - keep trying. You're safe here. There are no stakes in this moment, so practice on me." Once the intern was done introducing herself, Mundt gave her tips on how she can improve on her responses the next time someone approaches and asks her questions. Urging others to be a safe space for the "newbies", saying "Empower those without confidence (and arrogance). Find the person standing on their own and say hi. There is plenty of room for kindness in business."

Users Appreciate The Gesture

Users were quick to react to the post and applauded Lisa's kindness toward the intern and her efforts to guide her through her pitch. Many young interns admitted that they could relate to the post and said that the world needs more people like Lisa to show compassion and empathy. The post garnered over 28,000 reactions and 600 reposts on LinkedIn.

One user commented, "What a caring, generous way to make a positive difference in this young woman's experience and her life". Another added, "The greatest superpower of all is loving-kindness, i.e., a helping hand combined with an encouraging smile. So glad you posted this, even though I don't know you personally. First rule of ladders: if you wish to reach the top, you must begin at the bottom. How awesome for you to hold the ladder steady for her; the world needs more of that!"

"All of us, and I mean every single one, were in that same position. Walking into a room and not knowing a single person was incredibly daunting. Thanks for the reminder on how to mentor the new (usually younger) people coming into the industry," a person said.

Networking events can be among the most challenging tasks, even for those who've been in the game for a long time. For new employees and interns, networking could be intimidating as it involves many social interactions and the skills to build connections. According to the 19th Annual CEO Survey by PwC, kindness eliminates communication barriers, helps overcome unhealthy rivalry, and improves relations with other business owners and investors.

Also Read: LinkedIn User Shares Story Of Kuppamal, Who Resiliently Worked Round The Clock To Help Her Grandson Achieve His Dreams

Contributors Suggest Correction
Writer : Deepthi Rao
Editor : Jayali Wavhal
Creatives : Jayali Wavhal

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