Maternal Mortality Ratio Of India Decreases By 10 Points, To Hit Target Of 70/Lakh Live Births By 2030

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Maternal Mortality Ratio Of India Decreases By 10 Points, To Hit Target Of 70/Lakh Live Births By 2030

With such consistency, India is expected to meet the National Health Policy (NHP) target of 100/lakh live births by 2020 and is on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target of 70/ lakh live births by 2030.

India has shown a significant improvement in its Maternal Mortality Rate, reducing the number to 103 in 2017-19. The improvement leads to a ten-point decrease in India's MMR, which was earlier reported to be 113 in 2016-18, as per the report released by the Office of the Registrar General of India.

With such consistency, India is expected to meet the National Health Policy (NHP) target of 100/lakh live births by 2020 and is on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target of 70/ lakh live births by 2030, the report noted.

What Is Maternal Mortality Ratio?

The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is termed as the number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births during a given period. It depicts the risk of maternal death concerning the number of live births and, in essence, it records the risk of death in a single pregnancy or after a child's birth.

MMR In India

Harish Rao, the Minister of Health Medical and Family Welfare in the Telangana cabinet, reported MMR's official data, revealing that the mortality rate has consecutively declined for the third year, as the record went from 130 in 2014-16 to 103 in 2017-19.

Although the number across the nation has decreased, the MMR ratio in the country varied completely contrasting when compared different states of India, like Haryana (96), West Bengal (109), Uttarakhand(101), and Chattisgarh (160) has deteriorated extensively and created a distress situation in India.

The MMR rate of the densely populated states like Bihar, Rajasthan, Uttarpradesh, Assam has shown significant improvement. Still, it falls under the line of worst mortality rate with 130, 141, 167, and 205, respectively. Punjab has the worst fall in its MMR curve, bulging down to 114 from the records.

Similarly, the South Indian states have marked the lowest MMR, with Telangana replacing Tamil Nadu and becoming one with low MMR. Kerala ranks first with the lowest mortality rate, 30, followed by Telangana 56, Andra Pradesh 58, Tamil Nadu 58, and Karnataka 83.

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Contributors Suggest Correction
Writer : Varnika Srivastava
Editor : Shiva Chaudhary
Creatives : Shiva Chaudhary

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