The Saroornagar women police station in Rachakonda, Telangana has facilitated its female employees with creche named ‘We Care’ for their children while they are at work. The brainchild of Rachakonda’s Commissioner of Police Mr Mahesh Bhagwat, an IPS officer, who said that he was moved by a photo which went viral on social media showing a woman police personnel with her baby on the desk as she tended to her work.
Plans of having a creche in every police station in future
The creche was inaugurated by Prof. Shantha Sinha, Founder of MV Foundation, Former Chairman of National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) and Padmashree awardee in the field of child rights and education.
Prof. Shantha Sinha appreciated this initiative of Saroornagar Women Police Station. In the press release, she has commended the thought of taking care of women staff and their kids as equally important.
Commissioner Bhagawat told The Logical Indian that he felt sympathetic towards the women, and to empower the female constables working with him, he came up with the idea to build creches, so that the female workers can do their duty without any difficulty. He further explained that the idea is to have a creche in all police stations before next year when there is a plan of recruiting 33% women constables in police stations.
Vittal Reddy, the Station House Officer of Women Police Station, Saroornagar, in his conversation with The Logical Indian, told that 40 women constables are working in that police station, most of them are between the age of 25-35. So this initiative will help all the women who are or will be mothers. He further said, “currently four people are taking care of the creche, two are the outsourced workers, and two are the constables, there are currently 8-10 children in the creche, and we are expecting more children to come.”
The Logical Indian also spoke to beneficiaries of this project who were very excited about this initiative. Sandya, a female constable who lives 50 km away from her workplace in a tribal locality called Yellamma, said, “I have a daughter of three years. Earlier I had to leave her with my relatives before coming and had to call them regularly to ask about my daughter. As I travel from my home every day, I used to reach home by night I was constantly worried about her. Now I am happy that I can bring her here along with me.”
The Logical Indian take
We appreciate the step taken by Hyderabad police that encourages women empowerment. We also expect similar initiatives will be made across the country, as this will help women to work without constant worries about their toddlers and also will encourage many mothers to come to office and work.
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