[Watch] India Salutes The Low Light Heroes


Every day as the city sleeps there are people who are out there, working through the odd hours of night to make our lives easier, helping a random stranger in need or being there to support us through our troubles. Such people often go unnoticed and their good deeds are unappreciated. Though they are ubiquitous during the night, silently performing their duties, without any expectation of praise or reward, they fade into oblivion as the dawn arrives. Although our lives depend on their good deeds, we are not even aware of their existence.

Asus identifies and celebrates such people. These are the ‘Low Light Heroes’ who come to your rescue at wee hours, who keep you safe and make your city a better place. Right from the newspaper boy, who keeps you informed about the daily trends, to the road construction workers, who help build a city overnight, the mechanic who helps you at midnight when your car breaks down to the policemen who sacrifice their sleep to keep the city safe by patrolling at night; these people who play an important role are mostly taken for granted.

The video covers three such unexpected stories that happen in every city but don’t see the light of the day. The good deed just stays in the memory of the person who witnessed it. It’s time to notice these real heroes who bring out a change while being at duty.

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Editor : The Logical Indian

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