Social Experiment: A Sincere Response From Indians When RJ Naved Tried To Spread Hatred Against Particular Communities
Source:�Rj Naved

Social Experiment: A Sincere Response From Indians When RJ Naved Tried To "Spread Hatred Against Particular Communities"

The nation celebrated 70th Independence Day. It would be appropriate to refer it as “Interdependence Day”. Because ours is not “One Nation-One State” model but instead the Mosaic one, where loss of any piece would render the entire picture disintegrated into pieces. Our neatly knit diversity is our identity. The video testifies the fact that diversity is not just tolerated, but celebrated here. RJ Naved wanders in street to see how people react to his experiment. The result was exactly what he expected. The Mosaic would remain the most beautiful, if each Indian holds the same feeling what these people (in the video) displayed. Let us pledge, not to let the fabric weaken so that our Unity in Diversity defies any attempt to disturb the Mosaic.

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Editor : The Logical Indian

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