Meet Economics Graduate Beggar Who Buys Books For Underprivileged Children
23 Aug 2015 11:42 AM GMT
News: newindianexpress | Image Source: maierandmaierphotography
Life is not about what you have but what you can give and make a change in someone’s life. And there are people who are doing their bit despite all odds. R Selvaraj, a 73 year old differently-able man, is one among them.
Selvaraj from Karaikudi is a polio-afflicted man who raises his living by begging. He has been following this routine since 2006 in Karunanidhi Nagar, when he couldn’t find any job. On a first look, he might look like an ordinary beggar, but there is much more to it, he collects alms and makes a change in the lives of underprivileged children.
He is an Economics graduate and understands the value of education in one’s life, so he collects alms and buys stationary for poor kids who can’t afford them. Life has never been easy on him – being physically disabled is in itself a big challenge, and begging for alms in running buses is a life-threatening stunt. He had been helping children since 1968 but after 2006 he started begging when he couldn’t find any job not even at ‘cycle puncher-shop’.
Selvaraj goes through countless rejections and different kind of reactions from people every day, but it doesn’t deter him from doing good to others and this makes him happy.
Once again the social media has empowered him and he has got some benefactors. One such person is a man from Chennai who has been sending Rs. 500 every month for the last two years.
We appreciate the efforts of Selvaraj, his will to make a difference in someone’s life and his kind heart.