These Shows Are Considered Like A Stepping Stone For Your Kids To Build A Career In Fine Arts

These Shows Are Considered Like A Stepping Stone For Your Kids To Build A Career In Fine Arts

Indian Parents are spending a major chunk of their earning on their children. Children today are not just encouraged to excel at their studies but are also expected to inculcate hobbies like music, dance, painting etc. With an explosion in the number of sports and art training facilities in the last few years, these are not just considered as part-time hobbies anymore! Parents of today have started to consider them as a career option for their kids .

This shift in career options started with the millennial generation and now parents are on board to not only help them excel at such hobbies , but are also ready to invest in their unconventional vocation choices. There is a seismic change in the attitude, especially amongst middle-class and upper-middle-class parents in the country. The popularity of talent hunt programs is a testament to this shift.

These shows are considered like a stepping stone for kids to build a career in fine arts.

Parents are the first ones to discover their kids’ talent, and they do all they can to help them make it big. By supporting their kids on platforms like talent shows and competitions, they actually try to live their dreams through their kids.

HDFC Life’sYoungStarsinitiative is one such digital talent hunt for kids in categories like dancing, singing, musical instruments, and comedy. It invites talented children between the ages 6 and 14, from across the country to participate in the competition by uploading their video on its website. It has made the talent hunt easily accessible to all.

Here is the journey of one such kid, who made it big. The story reiterates the role of parents in helping their children discover their talent by providing them the right training and environment to shine.

Can the popularity of talent hunt shows, especially for kids and teenagers break the stereotype of safe-career-choices in India?

Do they open new career avenues for young kids?


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Editor : The Logical Indian

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