Tired Of Waiting For Local Authorities, These Women Innovated & Ensured Regular Water Supply For Their Village

Tired Of Waiting For Local Authorities, These Women Innovated & Ensured Regular Water Supply For Their Village

The world has drastically changed over the years. Ever-expanding human needs have had such serious repercussions on our planet that resources which were once available in abundance, are gradually depleting.

In India, around 330 million people — a quarter of the population — are facing an acute water shortage. Growth of the agricultural sector and urbanization have made this valuable natural resource scarcer and more polluted.

Fortunately, water is a renewable natural resource, hence, it is imperative for all stakeholders to work together to protect and carefully manage this precious resource.

Water.org, in collaboration with PepsiCo Foundation, has undertaken an initiative for this cause. With water conservation as the central theme, they are working together to bring about a change that impacts thousands of lives across the country.

Thanks to their combined efforts, water has arrived in Manapakkam, Tamil Nadu. The women no longer wait in long queues to fill their pots and without any hassle with the local authorities, water is also available at their homes.

In the state of Odisha, a woman name Kontala, together with her neighbour, took out a WaterCredit loan to construct a hand pump. Now, Kontala, her neighbour, and their families have safe water for drinking, cooking and bathing. The women of the community also built wells with public participation and took out small loans for household water connections and toilets. They support one another and share responsibilities. Such efforts make a strong impact, taking us one step closer to ending the global water crisis.

Vanishree and her family live in a village in the Gadag district of Karnataka. To sustain their lives, the family depends on their work in agriculture. Three years ago, Vanishree recognized their drinking water supply as highly unsafe. Additionally, there was a shortage of water because the village bore wells had dried up, and any water extracted from them was unfit for consumption. Vanishree took a loan of Rs 10,000 (166 USD) and installed a system to harvest the rain and use it to recharge the well at her house. She is confident that within a span of one or two years, the well will be recharged and it will yield good drinking water. Vanishree’s efforts were possible through Water.org’s WaterCredit program.

Beema lives with her family in a remote village in Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu. The municipality here provides water sourced from the Tamirabarani River. However, Beema has to walk several blocks to a public source to collect water each day. She has to wait in front of the tap for a long time as women from all over her community fetch water from this source. And, at the end of a long wait, Beema can only bring home what she is able to carry.

But things are changing. Through the organisations’ help Beema was able to take out a small loan to fund the construction of a water tap at her home. Now, her family will have access to water just outside their door, and Beema’s time can be spent doing more than collect water.

These efforts were not achieved in a single day but because of the continues efforts by the NGO water.org and PepsiCo Foundation since 2008.

The Logical Indian appreciates the efforts taken by both the organisations to combat water shortage in India.

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Editor : The Logical Indian

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