Among The 20 Satellite Launched Yesterday, One Was Built By A College In Chennai
Image Source: spaceflightinsider

Among The 20 Satellite Launched Yesterday, One Was Built By A College In Chennai

June 22 was a big day for Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) as it successfully launched 20 satellites into space with a single rocket. It was equally a proud moment for the students and faculty of Chennai’s Sathyabama University. They built a 1.5 kilo satellite called “Sathyabamasa”, which was one of the 20 satellites that went on space on Wednesday.

The satellite was built to gather information on greenhouse gases, it is now orbiting our planet. The Sathyabama team took seven years to build the satellite and it was set up on the top floor of the university. The university took 1.5 crore to build the satellite. The founder of Sathyabama university Dr. Jeppiar had passed away recently, the university fondly remembers his support for the project.

Chennai did it before

In 2011, SRM University of Chennai had launched a satellite that was 10.5 Kg in weight and 28 centimeters in length. It was a nano satellite also built to monitor greenhouse gases.

The Logical Indian congratulates the students of Chennai’s Sathyabama University for being part of such a historic accomplishment.

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