NDA Govt. Cancels The Registration Of 10,000 NGOs, Know About It
News Source: indiaspend, Image Source: hindustantimes

NDA Govt. Cancels The Registration Of 10,000 NGOs, Know About It

The NDA government has been pretty vocal against the NGOs and has been very keen on regulating the same. Despite the cynical view, foreign funding for Indian non-governmental organisations (NGOs) doubled in 2014-15 over the previous year. However, the government has now decided to scrap the registrations of 10,000 NGOs and this is bound to consequentially reduce the foreign capital reaching the shores of India.

The Numbers behind the NGOs (As per a report in indiaspend)

1. Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh (unified), Karnataka and Kerala together got 65% of foreign aid coming to India. According to the data, tabled in the Lok Sabha (Lower House of Parliament) on July 26, 2016, India received 7 billion dollars worth of foreign funding of which 4.5 billion dollars were garnered by Tamil Nadu, Andhra, Karnataka and Kerala. Delhi received the rest.

2. 33,091 NGOs remain, which are registered to receive foreign funds under the Foreign Contributions (Regulation) Act (FCRA) remain after the registrations of 10,000 NGOs were cancelled by the Ministry of Home Affairs in 2015.

Reasons cited for cancellation for registrations

1. Not filing returns

2. Accepting funds for “prohibited activities”

3.Funding legal costs of bail, writ petitions of Indian NGOs and their activists, and undisclosed payment of salaries by foreign NGOs to foreign activists.

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Editor : The Logical Indian

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