Third Gender Now An Option In Railway Reservation Forms
Source: thehindu | Representational Image: jagrukbharat | huffpost

'Third Gender' Now An Option In Railway Reservation Forms

IRCTC Includes Third Gender

The (IRCTC) Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited broke the binary gender construct of ‘man’ and ‘woman’ by including ‘transgender’ as a gender option in the Railway Ticket Forms. This option is provided to transgenders both online as well as at the counter.

The decision was made after a representation by a Delhi-based lawyer at the Delhi high Court in February of this year. He was also asked to approach the Railway Ministry. It includes requests for the facilities of reservations and special coaches.

The inclusion is in compliance with the judgment of Supreme Court of India as per the case of NALSA v/s Union of India.

NALSA v/s Union of India

NALSA (National Legal Services Authority) V/s Union of India was a landmark decision by the Supreme Court of India. On 15th April 2014, it was declared that transgender people would be recognised as ‘third gender’ affirming the fundamental rights provided under the Constitution of India. The NALSA had sought several directions from the Supreme Court for including the third category in recording one’s gender in documents like passport, driving licence, ration card, for admission in educational institutions, hospitals, etc.

The lawyers had filed an intervention on behalf of MS Laxmi Narayan Tripathi, a transgender activist. The judgement was a major step towards gender equality in India. The full judgment can be read here.

Advocate Jamshed Ansari alleged in his PIL that IRCTC had violated Article 14, 15, 19 and 21 of the Constitution by not including ‘”transgender/ third gender” as a gender option in its forms.

He further demanded reserved seats and special coaches for the transgender community in all trains for their care and protection.

The Logical Indian welcomes this news and hopes that our society realizes the difficulties and pain the Transgender community undergoes.

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Editor : The Logical Indian

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