Delhi School: 4-Yr-Old Booked For Sexually Assaulting Classmate; Mother Wants Action Against School
Source: Hindustan Times, Image: Independent

Delhi School: 4-Yr-Old Booked For Sexually Assaulting Classmate; Mother Wants Action Against School

A four-year-old boy was booked after allegedly sexually assaulting his classmate, a four-year-old girl. They study in Maxfort School, Dwarka, Delhi.

In the FIR filed by the victim’s parents, it is mentioned that on November 17 the incident took place inside the school premises. It says that the victim complained of pain in her private parts on Friday after coming back home and finally narrated the incident to her mother on Saturday.

“I messaged her class teacher at 12.15 am on Saturday night soon after I realised that it is a case of sexual assault,” said the victim’s mother. She also tried to contact the Principal of the school, but she was unable to get through to her.

The school co-ordinator later informed her that the Principal was jet-lagged and hence was unable to respond to the call. She also sent her mail but to no help. “The co-ordinator asked me to come to school next morning at 9 to meet the counsellor and Principal, and the authorities will resolve it,” she said.

She took her child to a doctor herself and confirmed that she was indeed sexually assaulted. A medico-legal case was made, and only after that, the FIR was filed. She said that even though the Principal agreed to meet her on a Sunday, she did not bother much to enquire about her daughter’s health.

The parents alleged that laxity on the part of the school has led to such an incident. “He could do it because the teachers were inattentive and missing in action from the classroom,” the victim’s mother said.

They want the authorities to take strict action against the school for negligence. They alleged that how can a school keep four-year-olds without supervision in the bathroom and the classroom against the rules.

“The school is not being booked for any negligence by the police. If that boy has been booked under POCSO, why can’t the so-called upmarket school be booked for criminal negligence,” she asked. She requests the police to understand the gravity of the situation and take appropriate action.

As per a Hindustan Times report, experts have asked the police to handle the situation with utmost care as the accused is a four-year-old boy. “We must understand that it is not possible for a four-year-old to understand sexual behaviour. Is there a possibility of a sexual need being fulfilled in this case? Absolutely not,” said Dr Samir Parikh, the director of Fortis Healthcare’s department of mental health and behavioural sciences.

Dr Parikh says that it must be copy-cat behaviour. He might have seen it happening somewhere on a mobile or TV and hence, got inquisitive. It is not possible for a four-year-old boy to determine what is right or wrong.

On asked whether she would take her child for counselling she said “I will surely take her for one once she is slightly comfortable. But first I need to know I need to know how it happened? Why it happened?”

The Logical Indian tried to contact the school principal and the authorities, but they did not respond. A mail has been dropped and if they revert, the article would be updated.

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Editor : Poorbita Bagchi

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