
Meet The Engineers Who Quit Their Jobs & Decided To Pursue Their Interest
We come across many people who choose their profession out of choice and then switch it to some another after realising that their interests

[Watch/Read] How Barefoot College, India Is Helping Grandmothers From Philippines
A group of grandmothers in the rural Philippines are being hailed for bringing light to their community. They have trained as engineers and are now

On His Daughter’s Birth, Mark Zuckerberg Vows To Donate 99% Of His Shares
When most of us have tendency to store our money or to display it in vulgar way, it is heart-warming to see young, self made

From Delhi To London In A Car: Three Woman, 97 Days, 13 Countries
Image Source: Women Beyond Boundaries A team of 3 women drove from Delhi to London approximately covering 23,800 km crossing 13 countries. Rashmi Koppar, Dr

Lokmat Having To Apologise For A Cartoon On ISIS Shows The Sorry State Of Press Freedom In India
Originally Published at Newslaundry| Written By Arunabh Saikia The author can be contacted at [email protected] and on Twitter @Psychia90 On Sunday, November 29, the Marathi daily

Blindfolded Kashmiri Pandit Hugs It Out To Promote Brotherhood In Valley
Source: hindustantimes | Image Courtesy: Waseem Andrabi/HT Photo There is always perseverance to doing something good and always a hope for something good to happen

‘Science Is My Religion,’ Says Monk Who Won 65 Lakh Infosys Prize For Mathematical Sciences
News Source: NDTV, Mahan Mj | Image Source: Meet Mahan Mj also known as Mahan Maharaj and Swami Vidyanathananda: a monk, an outstanding Mathematician

Meet Noor Jahan, The Lady Whom PM Modi Applauded On Mann Ki Baat!
Source: Zee News|Image Courtesy: twing Today on Mann Ki Baat, Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised Noor Jahan for doing an incredible amount of work in

Don’t Get Cheated! Make Sure You Crosscheck The Product Dates
So far we came across many incidents where the consumers were cheated, and it has somehow removed the blinkers from our eyes. Sometimes it is

Journey Of A Rag Picker To A 1 Crore Turnover Company
Source: Times of India | Image Courtesy: Picture a paper picker the streets of Ahmedabad, earning at most a measly amount of ₹ 5

Celebrating Dr. Verghese Kurien’s Birthday With #TweetToFarmer
Image Source: indianexpress Dr Verghese Kurien, the “Father of the White Revolution”, was born on 26 November 1921. After completing his studies in India and

[Video] Tolerance | A Reply From Soldiers of India
Reply from Soldiers of India to the Intolerant people. Learn Tolerance from them who don’t celebrate Diwali so that we do it Peacefully. Digesting the
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