My Story

My Story: There Was A Lot Of Noise Around Our Wedding — People Were Talking About How It Would Never Last
“I’ve been a banker all my life. I only started working by the time I was 28 and that what’s my entire focus was on

My Story: The School Management Decided To Throw Me Out, My Life Changed After That Moment
“When I was in School I was considered as most notorious & mischievous boy and also was bit poor in studies. So finally the School

My Story: “We Belong To The Middle-Class And My Second Child Has A Heart Condition That Is Inoperable”
“My family and I were quite ecstatic when we learned that I was pregnant with my third child. As my pregnancy progressed, I discovered a lump in

My Story: While I Was Trying To Solve Garbage Issues, Heaps Of Garbage Were Placed Over The Front Yard Of My House
“My parents built their house way back in 1964, the same house that I was born in. I have seen Indiranagar transform itself from being

My Story: Every Single Day I Was Beaten And Made To Feel Extremely Inferior And Insignificant By My Husband
“My father was an alcoholic. So at a very young age my mother sent me and my two sisters to my grandmother’s house to live

Life Story: How A Marksheet Changed The Destiny Of An Entire Family
Expectations are born before we are.We grew up eventually answering to various questions at various stages of life.There is no end to one’s expectation on

My Story: People Fear Us. I Have Request To All The Citizens That Consider Us As Your Friends, We Are Not Your Enemy
“We are here to serve people since the day we took ‘Oath Of Honor’ and wore this uniform. The citizens of our city are the

My Story: May Be Tomorrow When I Marry And Become A Father I Would Also React In A Similar Manner
“There are certain chapters in everybody’s life that one doesn’t read out loud. I have mine too and what would be the best moment to

My Story: The Fear Of Losing My Family Gave Me Several Sleepless Nights, At One Point Of Time I Lost Hope
“I am writing this story because I’ve lost my mother to breast cancer and I don’t want anyone else to go through the pain that

My Story: I Was To Do An Arranged Marriage, But I Fell In Love With This Man
“In Shailaja’s [Shailu, as she is called] words : We know each other since Raheja college. But we were just ‘hi-bye’ friends. Alok had many

My Story: I Was Having Such A Terrible Disease That Shook Me Initially, I Thought I Was Going To Die Soon
I didn’t want to write about this. I hate sharing personal miseries with others. I’ve never done it before. But now, I think I should;

Replace Punishment With Meditation: A School In US Did Just That And The Result Was Jaw Dropping
This School Replaced Punishment With Meditation A school in Baltimore, US recently grabbed everyone’s eyeballs. The school replaced detention of its students with meditation, only
My Story
- Life
- Experiences
- Inspiration
Real-life, first-person accounts that remind us every human has a story to tell, experiences to share, and actions to inspire.