My Story

My Story: I Quit My Job At Hindustan Unilever Because I Was Unhappy And Bought An Auto-Rickshaw
“I used to work at Hindustan Unilever, but the concept of a 9-5 job got too mechanical for me. There was nothing wrong with the

My Story: Life Becomes Meaningful Only When You Follow Your Heart And Stay Calm In Difficult Times
“My journey of life in Army. I choose to make changes and not give excuses. I choose to be me, to be invigorating. Being an

My Story: Within The Week We Met, He Proposed Me. But I Was Skeptical About Him
“At the age of 11, I was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease at Bombay Hospital. It is a sub type of

My Story: I Saved My Scholarship To Construct A Footpath So That People Can Walk To The Hospital Easily
I have been following your page for more than 2 Years now and have been reading inspiring stories about the contribution of young people in

My Story: Engineering Wasn’t My First Choice, It Was Forced Onto Me And You May Relate To My Feelings
I was recently in India, travelling through the Bangalore airport and was approached by a gentleman named Akshay. After talking for a while he shared

My Story: How This Mumbai Taxi Driver Saved A Girl From A Gang Of Drunk Men At The Night
“I’ve been driving this cab for 35 years now. I’m old, but I still have to support myself. Over the years there have been so

My Friends, This Is My Story Which Changed My Vision Towards Life
“Dear all, today I am going to share a story, which changed my vision towards life. A fine Sunday of May, 2014. Time was around

My Story: I Got Married At The Age Of 23 And Conceived My First Baby. I Was Asked To Terminate The Baby
“I got married at the age of 23 and conceived my first baby. Six months through the pregnancy I found myself in an unprecedented situation.

My Story: There Was An Image Of Social Shame In My Mind That Was Stopping Me From Talking About This To Anybody
“I was sorely body-shamed and language-shamed as a kid and then a teenager. It was tough to go on a secret eating disorder when you’re

Life Story: My Parents Got Married With The Consent Of The Family But Life Was Unfair To Them
It is a story of a woman who lived with Strength to strive and survive for her kids. She spent all her childhood in small

My Story: In Spite Of Being Detected With Cancer And Undergoing Amputation, I Chose To Live A Life Like Any Other Normal Guy
“I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of five, and at the age of six my doctors had to amputate my left arm right

This Woman From Pakistan Has A Strong Message Against Every Boy Who Make Fun Of Breast Cancer
This is a Facebook post by a Pakistani woman Fama Hasan, who has strong message to share. “Yesterday I got out of class and was
My Story
- Life
- Experiences
- Inspiration
Real-life, first-person accounts that remind us every human has a story to tell, experiences to share, and actions to inspire.