My Story

My Story: I Decided To Tell The Horrifying News To My Dad, Sensing My Fear, He Offered To Inform My Father
Few months ago, when I was riding my two wheeler back home from my guitar class, I met with an accident. I was thrown off

My Story: Take Action Against Such An Invasion Of Our Rights And Privacy In Such Circumstances
So there I was, shopping on Commercial Street around 4:45 PM, with three of my friends walking ahead. I just looked up to see this

My Story: Chennai Flood Brought Me Back My Daughter’s Lost Purse And A Faith In Humanity
Image Source: hexjam My daughter was home for the holidays and was about to fly back the next day to Pune, where she is a student.

Life Story: I Am A Dwarf But My Dreams Are Not
Reading articles on The Logical Indian for a while now on Facebook, made me realize that I associate with so many of them every day.

My Story: Donation Money Is Not Enough For Them
“I visited Manavya project, Pune, one of the first orphanages for HIV affected children, that was the first time it occurred to me HIV affects

Life Story: I Told My Friend That I Had To Get Married. I Left, Got Onto The Bus And Started Crying
Source: Humans of Bombay “My father was very successful when we used to live in Pakistan, but after partition, we left everything behind and ran

Everything You Need To Know About Jat Agitation
Image Courtesy: banglatribune Politics of quota and reservation It was 10 days of mayhem, looting and arson that set new benchmark for violence in the

My Story: My Mother Couldn’t Bear What Happened To Me And Passed Away
Source: Humans of Pakistan | Humans Of Kinnaird “I came from Karachi to graduate from Kinnaird College, Lahore and luckily I got my name on

On Neerja’s Death Anniversary: A Survivor’s Story From The Pan-Am Hijack Where She Saved 375 Lives
Image Courtesy: seosurvey I was fortunate to interview Mr. Nayan Pancholi. One of the survivors and also eyewitness of hijacked Pan-Am flight in the year

My Story: This Entire Situation Reignited My Love For India
This story is a perfect example of how our treatment of the foreign visitors in our country changes the way they see our country and

Humans Attack Monkey With Acid. Humans Win, Monkey Dies Succumbing To Injuries
Source: Pawan Sharma This incident should force us to think what kind of society we are building where not even animals are spared of the

My Story: Unholy Collusion B/W Builders And Administration Killed My Uncle
The following incident is a result of illegal construction and failed administration. On the 1st of Feb, Dr Sameer Kumar Ganguly aka Chand Da was
My Story
- Life
- Experiences
- Inspiration
Real-life, first-person accounts that remind us every human has a story to tell, experiences to share, and actions to inspire.