My Story

Suicide Doesn’t End The Pain, It Simply Passes It On To Those You Love
Image Courtesy: ibtimes From students in secondary school and higher education to farmers to actors and actresses – the news of suicide is galore all

My Story: Humanity Has No Borders, The Story Of A Pakistani Helping Indian
“We were returning from USA after participating in SAE Aerodesign East. We had two large boxes in which our aircraft models were packed. At Dallas

My Story: Humanity Has No Borders, The Story Of A Pakistani Helping Indian
“We were returning from USA after participating in SAE Aerodesign East. We had two large boxes in which our aircraft models were packed. At Dallas

How The Hindu Community Of India Welcomed Parsis When They Were Persecuted World Over
Image Courtesy: thehindu npr Parsi community in India The Parsis are an immigrant community, coming from Persia. This small religious community believes in Zoroastrianism faith,

My Story: My Legs Started Trembling & I Tried My Best Not To Let This Fear Show On My Face
“On January 28, 2016, I attended the Bharat Parv event at Red Fort. When I was leaving the venue, at around 4PM, a little boy

My Story: My Legs Started Trembling & I Tried My Best Not To Let This Fear Show On My Face
“On January 28, 2016, I attended the Bharat Parv event at Red Fort. When I was leaving the venue, at around 4PM, a little boy

There Is More Than Just “Beef” In Beef Politics
Image Courtesy: Unofficial: Subramaniam Swamy Another day, Another victim The series of killing people over the beef ban row continues to surge in the country

My Story: This Incident Changed Many Lives, So Be Careful
Representational Image: reuters “Bikes, Mobiles, Cars, Earphones, etc, have become most important part of our lives today .our lives are moving faster than ever.Average lifespan

My Story: This Incident Changed Many Lives, So Be Careful
Representational Image: reuters “Bikes, Mobiles, Cars, Earphones, etc, have become most important part of our lives today .our lives are moving faster than ever.Average lifespan

My Story: The Journey From Being Married To Being Separated Is Always A Mental Torture
“I got married at the age of 26, which according to my parents, was late. It was an inter-caste love marriage but both our families

My Story: The Journey From Being Married To Being Separated Is Always A Mental Torture
“I got married at the age of 26, which according to my parents, was late. It was an inter-caste love marriage but both our families

Hijacking The Voice Of A Community: How Owaisi Is Diverting The Priority With Nonsensical Statements
Image Source: etemaaddaily Owaisi had come out and said he would never say “Bharat Mata Ki Jai”, which has indirectly resulted in the expulsion of
My Story
- Life
- Experiences
- Inspiration
Real-life, first-person accounts that remind us every human has a story to tell, experiences to share, and actions to inspire.