Warning! Latest Study Suggests Male Smokers Have Increased Risk Of Bone Fractures, Early Death

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Warning! Latest Study Suggests Male Smokers Have Increased Risk Of Bone Fractures, Early Death

Shashwat Swaroop Garg
14 Jun 2022 6:46 AM GMT

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability and death in the United States. According to the study, there are about 34.2 million adult smokers in this country, including 16.7% of men and 13.6% of women.

It is widely known that smoking causes a plethora of health problems, including respiratory diseases, various forms of cancer and other diseases. In a recent study conducted by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), researchers have found that male smokers will now be facing problems like osteoporosis, increased bone fractures and early death.

How Was The Study Conducted

In a report by UPI, researchers at UNLV conducted the study by analysing around 30,000 cases of bone fractures in the past three decades. The researchers came to the conclusion that smoking increases the risk of a bone fracture in males by 37 per cent.

What Does The Study Say

Dr Qing Wu, an associate professor in UNLV's School of Public Health and the Nevada Institute of Personalized Medicine, said, "Smoking is a major risk factor for osteoporosis and risk of fracture." He further added that men tend to smoke more than women, increasing their risk for contracting osteoporosis, which was traditionally believed to be a women's disease.

Wu also stated that smoking is thought to increase the risk of skeletal fractures because cigarette chemicals negatively impact bone cells and reduce the body's ability to absorb Vitamin D and calcium, critical nutrients for strong bone mineral density.

He added that smoking is a risk factor for injuries in general as it interferes with the process of tissue repair, which then makes the body more susceptible to wounds and inhibits healing.

According to the researchers, the influence of cigarettes on fracture risk is not fully understood.

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability and death in the United States. According to the study, there are about 34.2 million adult smokers in this country, including 16.7 per cent of men and 13.6 per cent of women.

These findings were published on June 3 in the journal Scientific Reports.

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