Sustainable & Eco-Friendly! Know About Green Oscar Winner & Indias Solar Man Santi Pada Gon Chaudhuri

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Sustainable & Eco-Friendly! Know About Green Oscar Winner & India's 'Solar Man' Santi Pada Gon Chaudhuri

Shashwat Swaroop Garg
13 Jun 2022 8:03 AM GMT

Dr S. P. Gon Chaudhuri is an electrical engineer from Jadavpur University, who has worked for 27 years in the field of renewable energy. He has become renowned for his outstanding contribution to the growth of renewable energy in India.

Dr S. P. Gon Chaudhuri has worked for 27 years in the field of renewable energy. He is an electrical engineer from Jadavpur University and has become renowned for his outstanding contribution to India's growth of renewable energy.

He was awarded the Ashden Award for sustainable energy, globally referred to as the 'Green Oscars' in 2003, for his contribution to the field of solar energy.

His Achievements And Contributions

In a report by the Deccan Herald, in 1983, Gon Chaudhuri had visited Herma, a small village in Tripura and was left in shock after seeing the living conditions of the people. He saw that the people in the village lived in complete darkness after sunset, so he used his experience to improve the lives of the people in the hamlet.

He used government funding to install solar panels for 70 homes and run a community television and water pump. This was the first time the people of Herma experienced electricity; before this, they only used kerosene lamps to wade off the darkness.

The Solar Man Of India

This project sparked a career dedicated to bringing energy to people in impoverished, remote communities, a mission that earned Chaudhuri the moniker of India's "Solar Man".

Herma was the first tribal village in the country to gain access to solar power, and by 1989 Chaudhuri had led the installation of solar technology in nearly 40 villages across India's northeastern states.

By the year 2000, more than 400,000 people living in villages around the Sunderban National Park were utilising solar energy through a conglomeration of mini-grids and domestic solar power appliances. At the time, the area had the world's highest per-capita solar power consumption.

It was because of his work and efforts that he received the Ashden Award, known as the "Green Oscars", and the Euro Solar Award from Germany in 2003.

In 2006, he was invited by India's then-President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam to design a solar power unit for the Rashtrapati Bhawan.

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