Fact Check
Old Photos Shared As Visuals Of Recent Tripura Violence

Image Credit: Twitter

Fact Check

Old Photos Shared As Visuals Of Recent Tripura Violence

Jakir Hassan
1 Nov 2021 11:51 AM GMT

In anti-Muslim violence in Tripura, over a dozen of mosques were vandalised, and houses and shops were attacked, but the photos being shared are not recent.

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Jagran Manch, and various other organizations took out protest rallies against the attacks on Hindu minorities in Bangladesh. By October 27, rallies led by Hindutva organizations had clashed with the police and vandalized properties and shrines of the Muslim minority in the state.

Against the same backdrop, a set of photos are viral on social media, purportedly belonging to the recent Tripura violence. The images are viral, claiming to show the visuals of violence that broke in North Tripura on October 26 during a Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) rally. The photos show a large crowd carrying saffron flags and burning vehicles and structures with smoke coming out of them.

A Twitter user shared the photos with a caption in Hindi, "ये तस्वीर तालिबान का नही बल्कि लोकतांत्रिक देश भारत का है !".

[English translation: This picture is not of the Taliban but a democratic country India.]

A Twitter user shared the photos and captioned in Hindi, "Tripura के रोवा पानीसागर में आमिर हुसैन की इलेक्ट्रिक सामानों की दुकान और आमिलुद्दीन की पेंट व किराना की दुकान को जला दिया गया. दोनों का 12-15 लाख रुपए का नुकसान हुआ है. आरोप है कि यह सब पुलिस की मोजूदगी में हुआ है. अभी तक किसी की गिरफ्तारी नहीं हो सकी है."

[English translation: Amir Hussain's electric goods shop and Amiluddin's paint and grocery shop were torched in Rowa Panisagar, Tripura. Both have suffered a loss of Rs 12-15 lakh. It is alleged that all this happened in the presence of the police. So far, no one has been arrested.]

This set of photos is viral with a similar claim on social media. Click here and here to view.


A set of photos are viral, purportedly belonging to the recent Tripura violence.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian Fact Check team verified the claim and found it to be false. The photos are old and belong to separate instances of violence, compiled to show that they belong to the recent Tripura violence.

We conducted a Google reverse image search of each viral photo separately.

Photo 1:

The photo shows a large crowd carrying saffron flags with a print of Hindu deity Lord Ram and a Hindi text, "जय श्री राम". The Google reverse image search of the photo led us to an article by the Hindustan Times. The report dated back to March 27, 2018, and carried the same viral photo. The image was credited to Samir Jana and captioned, "VHP supporters take out a religious procession to celebrate Ram Navami in, Jadavpur area in Kolkata, on March 25, 2018". According to the report, violence broke in parts of West Bengal over Ram Navami processions resulting in the death of three people.

Image Credits: Hindustan Times
Image Credits: Hindustan Times

Photo 2:

The photo shows two vehicles on the road burning with huge flames. The Google reverse image search of the image led us to an article by the Indian Express. The report dated back to September 10, 2021, and carried the same viral photo. The photo was credited to the news agency-Press Trust of India (PTI) and captioned, "Vehicles in flames after clashes between BJP supporters and CPM activists in Agartala". The report says four media houses in Tripura were attacked, including offices of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)'s mouthpiece Daily Desher Katha, local Bengali morning daily Pratibadi Kalam and local TV channels PB 24 and Duranta TV.

The Quint and News 18 also reported political violence and carried the same photo in their reports.

Image Credits: The Indian Express
Image Credits: The Indian Express

Photo 3:

The photo shows a structure blazing while people are trying to put it out. The Google reverse image search of the image led us to two articles by Inext Live. The reports dated back to May 11 2016 & 12, 2016, and carried the same viral photo. According to the reports, a fire broke out in a cotton godown at Naveen Galla Mandi of Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh. An electric spark fell on a cotton pile kept outside the godown and reached the warehouse resulting in fierce flames of fire.

Image Credits: inextlive
Image Credits: inextlive

Photo 4:

The photo shows a blazing structure with massive fumes arousing out of it. The Google reverse image search of the image led us to an article by Amar Ujala. The report dated back to July 2, 2019, and carried the same viral photo. According to the report, a massive fire broke out in broad daylight at a plastic granule factory in Phase II Noida Special Economic Zone (NSEZ) on July 1, 2019. The plastic granule factory caught fire, while another factory also caught fire and suffered minor damage.

Image Credit: Amar Ujala
Image Credit: Amar Ujala

To sum up, old photos of separate instances have been compiled together and being shared to show that they belong to the recent Tripura violence that broke in North Tripura on October 26 during a Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) rally.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

Also Read: Quran Burnt During The Recent Tripura Communal Violence? No, Viral Image Is Old

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