Fact Check
Fact Check

Did Elon Musk Fire Twitter's Policy Chief Vijaya Gadde On Air? Know The Viral Truth Here!

Jakir Hassan
3 Nov 2022 11:36 AM GMT

While sharing this video, people on social media claimed that Elon Musk fired Vijaya Gadde who served as general counsel and the head of legal, policy, and trust at Twitter during a live show. The Logical Indian Fact-Check team verified the viral claim.

World richest man, Elon Musk finally took over control of Twitter. After gaining the control, Musk fired CEO Parag Agarwal, Legal policy, trust and security head Vijaya Gadde, CFO Ned Segal, and several others. Against the same backdrop, a video of a podcast is going viral on social media. In the initial seconds of the viral clip, Vijaya can be heard saying, "I feel like we have failed in many ways. And I want to admit that." Hearing this, Musk replied, "Failure comes with big penalties, you are fired." While sharing this video, people on social media claimed that Elon Musk fired legal affairs policy head Vijaya Gadde during a live show.

A Twitter user shared this video and wrote, "Elon Musk fired Vijaya Gadde on Air, wow this is a humiliation to the core, KARMA Comes back, as you give."

It is being widely shared on Facebook and Twitter with a similar claim.

Image Credit: Facebook
Image Credit:


Elon Musk fired Twitter's fired legal affairs policy head Vijaya Gadde during a live show.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian fact check team verified the viral claim and found it to be false. The viral video is edited and presented out of context.

During the initial investigation, we watched the video carefully and found a watermark '@damonimani' on the viral video. Taking hint from it, we did an open keyword search and found a Twitter user by the same name who had shared the same viral video and called it a parody.

We then used InVid's Keyframe analysis tool to break down the viral video into its keyframes. It led us to original source of viral video which was shared by American podcaster Joe Rogan's podcast, live streamed on YouTube on March 6, 2019. In this video, show host Joe Rogan, Vijaya, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey and political commentator Tim Poole can be seen.

At 26 minute and 20 second of timestamp, one can see Vijaya mentioning same statement as seen in the viral video. According to it, she was answering a question related to the violation of Twitter's rules. She says, "I do think we've failed in couple of ways and I want to admit that...we haven't done enough education about our rules, there are lots of people who violated the rule and many of them not even know it..." We watched the whole video, however, we do not see Elon Musk anywhere in the podcast. It suggests that Elon Musk statement was taken from somewhere else.

On searching more, we found that the clips of the viral video in which Elon Musk can be seen and it was also taken from Rogan's podcast. The only thing is it was taken from another podcast which was uploaded on YouTube on 07 September, 2018. In this video, Vijaya Gadde was not present. At 38 minute 58 seconds of timestamp, same footage as seen in the viral video can be seen. However, Musk's conversation (audio) in it has been taken from another video and has been edited in it. Below you can see the video.

It is evident from our investigation that viral claim of Musk firing Vijaya Gadde during a live show is misleading. The viral video is edited and taken from different podcast which was released in 2018 and 2019 respectively. Elon Musk took control and fired Vijaya Gadde on 27 October 2022. This podcast has nothing to do with Twitter top officials and Elon Musk.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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