Fact Check
Old Image Of Broken Roof Of Uttarakhand Government School Falsely Shared As Gujarat

Image Credit: Twitter

Fact Check

Old Image Of Broken Roof Of Uttarakhand Government School Falsely Shared As Gujarat

Jakir Hassan
6 Dec 2021 11:11 AM GMT

A photo of a school with a broken roof is going viral on social media, claiming that it is a government school in Gujarat.

A photo of a school with a broken roof is going viral on social media. Some children can be seen studying under a damaged roof in the viral picture. While sharing this image on social media, people took a jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi by claiming that the viral photo is of a government school in Gujarat.

While sharing this image, a Twitter user wrote a caption in English, "Gujarat government just opened new Solar Power⚡ School🎒📚 Thanks Modiji."

This image was shared on Facebook with a similar claim. Click here and here to read.


The viral image of a government school with a broken roof is from Gujarat.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian Fact Check team verified the claim and found it to be false. The viral image is from Almora, Uttarakhand.

On doing Google reverse image of the photo, we found that the viral image is doing round since 2018 with different claims. We found this image in an article on Jagran.com dated 10 March 2018. According to the report, the viral picture was said to be of Government Primary School Khatoli, Almora. We searched Almora on Google maps and found that it is located in Uttarakhand. The excerpt of the report reads, "The Government Primary School Khatoli located in Talla Salt of the district has 36 students. The department has deployed two teachers here to impart education to the children. Two classrooms were built here, which have been in dilapidated conditions for the last many years. The ceiling of the classrooms is crumbling, whereas the classrooms that have turned into ruins can fall down at any time. The parents repeatedly demanded the construction of the school building from the officials of the education department. But the officials did not consider it appropriate to take any action for the construction of the building."

Image Credit: Jagran.com
Image Credit: Jagran.com

We found an article dated 12 March 2018 in which the viral image can be seen. The title of the report reads in English, "Uttarakhand's education system and schools in terrible mess." The report was about the terrible situation of the education system of Uttarakhand.

Our investigation shows that the viral image is of a government school in Almora, Uttarakhand and is being falsely shared as a school from Gujarat to take a dig at the Modi government.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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