Fact Check
Congress Party Zindabad Slogans Were Raised In Amit Shahs Election Rally? No, Viral Claim Is False

Image Credit: Twitter

Fact Check

Congress Party Zindabad Slogans Were Raised In Amit Shah's Election Rally? No, Viral Claim Is False

Jakir Hassan
16 Feb 2022 12:48 PM GMT

While sharing a video of Amit Shah's Uttarkhand rally, social media users claimed that slogans of congress party zindabad were raised in the rally.

Uttarakhand went for assembly poll in single phase on February 14 for 70 seats across 13 districts. The voter turnout registered in the state was 62.51 per cent. Amid the state assembly elections, a 08 seconds long video of Home Minister Amit Shah election rally speech is going viral on social media. While sharing this video, people on social media claimed that 'Slogans of Congress Zindabad' were raised in Amit Shah's rally.

Congress Chhattisgarh official Twitter handle shared this video on social media with a Hindi caption that reads, "छोटू बोला "कांग्रेस पार्टी" जनता बोली "जिंदाबाद"."

[English Translation: Chotu said "Congress party, public said Zindabad'.]

It is being widely shared on Facebook and Twitter with a similar claim.

Image Credit: Facebook
Image Credit: Facebook


Slogans of Congress Zindabad were raised in Amit Shah's rally.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian Fact Check team verified the claim and found it to be false. Slogans of Congress Zindabad were not raised in the rally.

During the initial investigation, we did an open keyword search and found the viral video uploaded on official YouTube channel of Bharatiya Janata Party dated 12 February 2022. According to the description, Amit Shah addressed an election rally in Raipur, Uttarakhand.

We watched the video carefully. At 11 minutes 25 seconds, Amit Shah can be heard saying, "They (Congress) have not declared the name of the chief ministerial candidate and did not give him the ticket to contest from his place of choice....This Congress party (pause where public raised slogans) can never develop Devbhoomi." It is to be noted that the slogans of 'Murdabad' are being heard when Amit Shah stop for a little while saying "Yeh Congress Party".

We also searched for media reports on the Internet regarding viral video. We found a report of Zee News dated 12 Feb. 2022 in which the still of the viral video can be seen. The report mentioned that Home Minister accused the Congress party of resorting to "politics of appeasement". Nowhere it was mentioned that the slogans of "Congress Zindabad" were raised by people in the rally.

It is evident from our investigation that a small clip of Amit Shah's rally was shared on social media with a false claim. Slogans of Congress Zindabad were not raised in Amit Shah's rally. Instead of that people raised 'Murdabad' slogans during the rally. Hence, the viral claim is false.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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