Delhi Boy Who Washed Cars At 4 AM To Make Ends Meet, Scores 91.7% In Class 12

Image Credits: NDTV


Delhi Boy Who Washed Cars At 4 AM To Make Ends Meet, Scores 91.7% In Class 12

Palak Agrawal
27 July 2020 9:33 AM GMT

He had started washing cars at Khanpur and made Rs 3,000 a month which helped him pay for his education including uniforms and books.

A 17-year-old boy who reportedly lived in a tightly packed slum with eight other people surmounted all odds to score 91.7% in his CBSE class 12 examinations in Delhi.

Parmershwar had to take odd jobs to sustain his family. He had started washing cars at Khanpur and made Rs 3,000 a month which helped him pay for his education including uniforms and books.

According to NDTV, the boy used to wake up at 4 AM and walked for half an hour to reach the place he worked where he washed around 10-15 cars for 2.5 hours every day. This was his routine for six days a week.

"Waking up in the cold and working was not easy. I remember how my hands used to freeze every 5 minutes when I touched the cold water. My fingers used to become numb," said Parmeshwar.

"People also used to scold me and for a few hundred bucks we had to bear all the humiliation," he added.

He shared that he could not ask his parents for money as his 62-year-old father was a heart patient and his brothers had an unstable job.

Narrating his ordeal, Parmeshwar also said that he was at the hospital with his father from where he prepared for his Hindi examination.

During this difficult time, Asha Society, an NGO, ensured all the help they could provide to Parmeshwar. They helped with sample papers and also helped him apply online for an English Honours course at Delhi University.

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