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Mumbai: Couple Run School Waives Off School Fees For 3 Months, Exhausts Personal Savings To Feed 1500 People

Image Credits: Hindustan Times

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Mumbai: Couple Run School Waives Off School Fees For 3 Months, Exhausts Personal Savings To Feed 1500 People

Palak Agrawal
27 July 2020 8:12 AM GMT

The couple had saved around Rs 4.5 lakh to purchase a new house which they spent in helping the less privileged.

A Mumbai school has decided to waive off fees of over 300 students studying in class 1 to 10 for the next three months given the cash crunch experienced by many amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The decision came after Migza Shaikh and her husband Faiyaz, a Mumbai couple who run Zeal English Medium School, was approached by the students expressing their inability to pay the sum. She also came to know that there were many who were unable to get two meals a day because the lockdown had rendered the parents unemployed.

According to Hindustan Times, Migza also got to know that there was just one smartphone in most of the students' homes that was being used by their parents.

"Most people who stay here are migrant and daily wage workers. Looking at their condition, we got in touch with some NGOs and started distributing Khichdi but soon felt that this was not enough. We came to know that the situation was worse than we thought. So we decided to help people," Migza said.

This was when Migza and her husband with the support of their friends and family started distributing dry ration to the students and the families. They had saved around Rs 4.5 lakh to purchase a new house which they reportedly spent in helping the less privileged.

"We did not want to keep money in our bank and see people struggling for food so we started using our savings," she added.

"I had withdrawn Rs 5 lakh from our account and spent nearly Rs 4.5 lakh till now. We appeal to others to please come forward to help the needy in this crisis," said Shaikh.

The couple's efforts drew praises from netizens including industrialist Anand Mahindra. He took to Twitter praising their efforts and expressed willingness to compensate them.

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