The Logical Indian Crew

Tamil Nadu: IFS Officer Warns Against Exotic Kappaphycus Seaweed Cultivation, Reminds Of Threat To Coral Reefs

Jagdish S. Bakan, an IFS Officer, attended a discussion meeting in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, about the impact of seaweed cultivation on protected areas. He shared information about Kappaphycus Seaweed, a destructive, exotic, and invasive species. The invasive Kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed, which smothers and kills coral reefs, has spread its wings to coral reef areas in Valai island in the Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park. Environmentalists claim there is a huge industry lobby aggressively pushing for cultivating Kappaphycus, despite being aware of its ecological consequences.

ContributorsSuggest Correction
Writer : Tarin Hussain
Editor : Jayali Wavhal
Creatives : Tarin Hussain