Over 230 Million People Pushed Into Poverty In COVID-Ravaged India

The Coronavirus pandemic has pushed more than 230 million people into poverty since last year. The poor, young and women have been the worst affected and experts say that the second wave is just going to make things worse. The Logical Indian’s Shubham Thakur explains about the impact of the virus on the Indian economy that is still struggling to recover from last year’s COVID-induced recession.

The Coronavirus pandemic has pushed more than 230 million people into poverty since last year. The poor, young and women have been the worst affected and experts say that the second wave is just going to make things worse. The Logical Indian's Shubham Thakur explains about the impact of the virus on the Indian economy that is still struggling to recover from last year's COVID-induced recession.

ContributorsSuggest Correction
Editor : Navya Singh
Creatives : Shubham Thakur