Originally reported by Ashish Roy,�The Times of India�| Image Source:�Shailesh Mishra (TOI)

Wife Denied Water & Insulted, Dalit Labourer Digs Well In 40 Days

Bapurao Tajne couldn’t bear his wife not being allowed to use the well by their casteist landlord. When his wife was refused to draw water from a well by the owner, he took it as an insult of his wife and decided to dig a well by himself.

Digging of well is generally a work done by 4 or 5 people, so it could take up to 40 days when done alone. There were risks involved too, he could have dug for 40 days and may have found out that the well is dry and hence would have to start it all over again.

But he backed himself and went for the dig, he used to work 4 hours on the well before he goes to work and 2 hours on the well after he returns from his work. None of his family or neighbors helped him. However after 40 days of tenuous and backbreaking work, he struck gold. It is worthwhile noting that rocky terrain especially when three wells and a bore well near the spot had gone dry. But hard work paid off and water was found and the entire village, administration, and his family hail him as a hero. The administration has offered him support, activists have donated him money and the entire village is grateful for their hero. He had never dug a well before, he devoted six hours daily for 40 days until he struck water.

Tajne is a daily wager and couldn’t afford to give up work for digging a well. He worked for four hours before leaving for work and two hours on return. He did back-breaking work for 14 hours a day almost without a break during those 40 days. “It is difficult to explain what I felt in those days. I just wanted to provide water for my whole locality so that we Dalits did not have to beg for water from other castes,” said the labourer, who has studied up to final year of BA as reported by The Times of India.

The Logical Indian strongly feels the administration and the government could intervene and do these small work for the benefit of the people. Water is a common resource to all people and no discrimination there should be tolerated besides administration should stand up to such discriminatory practices. The government and administration should work for the poor.
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Editor : The Logical Indian