Royal Challenge Is Saluting Real Heroes Of The Nation For Their Service And Sacrifice

In the face of hardship, regular people have transformed themselves into selfless frontline warriors

The world as we knew has changed in the past six months! Wheeling into the new normal has brought us to confront a number of strenuous challenges. But like they say, physical limitations cannot limit the strength of those who are unrattled. The COVID-19 crisis has gripped us all into an unsettling distress. The idea of a true hero has been redefined in this new context of global adversity. In the face of hardship, regular people have transformed themselves into selfless frontline warriors who are putting up a brave fight on behalf of humanity. Their resilience and belief have not just given the world a new hope to fight this battle, but it has also exemplified that often the unsung, real heroes turn obstacles into opportunities by saying #ChallengeAccepted to the odds at hand.

From doctors to auto-rickshaw drivers, individuals from across many backgrounds have put one step ahead of the other, braving the difficulties to dispense relief and aid. The Royal Challenge Sports Drink salutes these real heroes of the nation who are working tirelessly and selflessly to help those in need. Year 2020 has stopped to make us rethink the idea of heroes. Royal Challenge Sports Drink proudly tells their heartwarming stories of heroism. To further the cause, it has identified beautiful stories of COVID warriors to celebrate the true challenger spirit of the Real Heroes.

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One of such real heroes, Dr Sachin Nayak who has been an on-duty frontline warrior treating COVID patients, lived out of his car for months to protect his family from any potential infection. Likewise, Mr Paritosh started "Project Feeding from Far" along with his friend Miss Pooja. Ever since the lockdown, they have been feeding nutritious food to the poor twice a day. His kitchen served close to 4.5 lakh meals in just forty-five days. In this heartwarming film, tacticians of team RCB like Virat Kohli, AB De Villiers and Yuzwendra Chahal have stepped up to extend their royal salute to celebrate the challenger spirit of these individuals who outperformed themselves. They not only proudly tell their stories but also encourage India to remember their names as they crown them to be India's true #RealHeroes.

It is exceedingly true that real challengers aren't just born. It takes an exceptional will to steer ahead advancing right up to the frontline to help people and nation. The Logical Indian appreciates The Royal Challenge Sports Drink and Team RCB for acknowledging the contribution of #MyCovidHeroes who went beyond the call of duty to help people in various ways during the COVID-19 pandemic. Like Captain Virat Kohli would go on to say, "Real Heroes don't always wear capes and swords on their backs but the load and responsibility for keeping you, me and everyone around them safe"
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