image source:�sindhutaisapakal

Meet Sindhutai, The Mother Of A Thousand Orphans And Receiver Of 273 Awards


Sindhutai’s life had such a tough beginning, she was considered useless and a torn piece of cloth. From being abandoned by her husband to begging for a living and eventually taking care of thousands of orphaned kids, Sindhutai became an iconic figure in social circles for her noble work. If that’s not all, her husband who abandoned her early, came back to her after many years and she forgave him and accepted him as the eldest child.

Denied education and her other struggles
Her father wanted her to study, her mother opposed. Sindhutai was sent to school by her father in the guise of sending her to the field. Her luck ran out and she was married at the age of 10 to a 30-year-old man. For this, she had to quit her studies very early. She stood up against a mafia and series of other events led to her husband abandoning her after nine months of pregnancy. The struggles she went through after being alone in giving birth to a child and by begging on platforms, was enormous.

Society salutes her
She noticed many children who were abandoned by their parents and she took it upon herself to take care of them. And from then, she has taken care of thousands of children, got them educated and married. She considers all of them part of one family and that is why she says she has so many son-in-laws and daughter-in-laws. All the children have been educated very well, few pursuing engineering and medical. Her own child is doing a Ph.D. on Sindhutai’s life. She has since then received various awards including the 2014 Ahmadiyya Muslim Prize for the Advancement of Peace among 273 more awards.

The Logical Indian salutes Sindutai, her dedication towards the orphaned children and how she has changed the lives of good for many. 
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