He Lost His Hands But That's Not Enough To Stop This Determined Teacher

Reported By: Deshraj Kaushal|Hamirpur

How often do we complain about the lack of facilities to be an impediment to our attainment of goals? It can be something as trivial as not having internet access or a well-lit room – trivial because Rajesh has been differently-abled from his childhood and yet conveys the message of courage and perseverance to today’s youth. Compared to his lack of limbs, the lack of any other facilities is trivial indeed!

Rajesh is a lecturer in Jadau Senior Secondary School. Despite being crippled in both his hands, he uses his legs to write on the blackboard in order to teach his students. Yes, he makes his best efforts to teach in the same manner in his class as any other teacher in his place would do. His colleagues and administrative staff gape in awe and admiration of his efforts as he stands on his chair to reach the blackboard on the wall with his legs so that he can write and draw diagrams on it, while his students are inspired by his caliber and feel proud to help in his class.

Rajesh’s father is a retired army officer. Despite being differently-abled from childhood, Rajesh kept up his spirits and pursued his B.Tech from NIT Hamirpur. Not only this he is adept at computers and uses the fingers of his legs to type dexterously from the keyboard! He even uses his mobile with both his hands.

Besides all these, he goes about his daily routine using his legs to eat, drink, write and even shave his beard. Difficult to reach our face with your legs, one would say. He does it daily.

According to Rajesh, who was appointed as a PGT last year via IPE Commission, today’s youth is unnecessarily taking to intoxication and drugs, giving in to their failures and self-pity or just to enjoy themselves. This is a matter of concern. Our youth should keep away from drug abuse.

The Logical Indian salutes his positive attitude and takes this opportunity to disseminate his message to our young readers at large.

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Editor : The Logical Indian