Good Samaritans Rescue Paralysed Elderly Man Dying On The Roadside In Secunderabad, Telangana

Good Samaritan India (GSI) is a Hyderabad-based NGO. It was started by George Rakesh Babu who began by opening a free clinic and helping his patients by taking them to the hospital.

GSI is a small group of medically trained citizens who are sheltering over 300 abandoned, old, sick or dying destitutes. They are a non-profit organisation that aims to rescue people and take care of them for free.

The group was recently in the news when they helped a man dying on the roadside in Secunderabad. The elderly man, who was paralysed, was lying on the roadside. Despite being a busy route, nobody stopped to help him. That is nobody but the good samaritans of Good Samaritan India.

"The #lawaris or the abandoned patient’s "This elderly man who is Paralysed lying on the main road in helpless…

Posted by George Rakesh Babu on Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Logical Indian recently interviewed Jasper Paul, head of rescue operations in GSI.

Regarding the incident in Secunderabad, Mr Paul told us, “This person had worms in his leg. We spotted him in the morning under the railway bridge. This area is one where thousands pass by – but no one cared about this man. He was lying there with a small blanket over him as if he was dead. That evening, we returned to the same spot. He was still there and in a very bad condition. We found that his knee was seriously injured – it seemed as if he had fallen out of a train. In the end, 500 to 1000 worms were pulled out of his wound. We took him to the hospital. We brought him to the shelter home and saw to it that he got the required medical attention.”

The old man is almost able to walk and his wound has almost fully healed now.

GSI has helped over 500 people in the past two years. They have built a network of police stations, hospitals, and volunteers on social media. Whenever someone finds a destitute, GSI is called. Mr Paul told us that they get at least one call every day.

The NGO works all around Hyderabad. Regarding GSI’s future plans, Mr Paul said, “Our vision is to start one destitute home in every district of Telangana. We have finished work on homes in three districts as of now – Hyderabad, Warangal, and one in Aler. We want to continue with this work until we have built a home in every district of the state.”

The Logical Indian applauds the efforts of the members of Good Samaritan India. Their efforts in rehabilitating India’s destitutes is truly inspiring. We wish them the very best and hope that their goal of building a home in every district of Telangana is accomplished as soon as possible.

Read more: This Good Samaritan Saved More Than 100 People Who Were Left To Die On The Roads

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