Dhara Cooking Oils

Celebration Of Starting Over #WomenOfChange Is About The Extraordinary Out Of The Ordinary

They say it takes just a dash of faith tempered with a ladle full of courage to make recipes of extraordinary stories. Women in India exhibit just the same! In the rather ordinary-looking lives of many mothers, sisters and daughters simmer something gravely extraordinary. Under the tall piles of responsibilities lies her dreams and her sense of individuality. A number of exemplary women sail through their ordinary to be the new dawn of change. Dhara with its latest initiative #WomenOfChange brings us one such extraordinary tale of spirited determination.

Ms Deepti Nair who is not only a loving mother and a caring daughter but is also a responsible senior employee at the Mother Dairy Head Office. In between all these roles that she was responsibly playing all at once, there was one role that she had tucked away into her heart. Mohiniyattam, a dance form which is all about expressing oneself was her passion that Ms Nair had somewhere left behind along with her childhood. They say, you may forget but that one corner of your heart always remembers. There it was! It took Ms Nair one reconnect with her inner child to bring it all back, to restart, to finally answer her life's calling. At the age of 38, she put on her gunghroos and walked up to the stage. Today it has been ten years without looking back. With her nimble feet and expressive eyes, Ms Deepti Nair stands tall as an international name in the world of Mohiniyattam.

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Transition is not easy but at the same time extremely important for transformation. A shift from status quo to follow your life's true passion may seem scary at the beginning but it only takes that first step out of the comfort zone threshold to creating what the world calls it, a glorious history. Dhara through its initiative #WomenOfChange not just honours Ms Deepti Nair for being a woman of inspiration but also wants to celebrate all those women who have similar stories of resilience and will to start once again, to be the change. If you have an ordinary tale that is extraordinary as well, leave a comment and be an inspiration by making a positive difference in the lives of other women who may have been just waiting to hear your story to finally start a life that is less ordinary.

The Logical Indian appreciates Ms Deepti Nair for her determination and insurmountable will to once again take the path she had left to take care of so many other responsibilities. The remarkable initiative by Dhara #WomenOfChange is the wind beneath the wings of women who want to fly, once again!

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