Source & Image:�intoday

Bihar: Woman Went For Exam, One & A Half Hour After Delivering Her Baby

Exemplary courage
A lady had to keep aside her joy of becoming the mother as she appeared to write her B.Ed exam, 1 and a half hour after delivering a baby boy. The invigilators, the representatives of the institute all lauded Ranju Kumari for her determination and commitment to her education and exams.

Against the odds
On Saturday, Ranju Kumari started to feel the labour pain, she was rushed to a private hospital where she gave birth to ser second child. Despite doctors being hesitant and unwilling to let her, Ranju was adamant that she would attend the exam. Mamta Rani, the invigilator of the exam was moved by Ranju Kumari’s desire to write the exam and she was allowed to take the exam from the ambulance itself with the presence of an invigilator. Despite being 30 minutes late, she was given permission to take the exam.

A big salute
Ranju was desperate to give her exams as she wanted to be better educated to take care of her children.

The Logical Indian salutes the courage exhibited by Ranju and salutes her will and courage to complete her education.

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