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Less Tolerance For Homosexuality In More Religious Countries

Religion has provided succour to many of the people around the globe, but things have changed and more than a few are at the receiving end of religion inspired atrocities. However, when a country is religious at a governmental level or when the people of the country are religious, it has been found there is more intolerance towards homosexuals. Pew Research has found that people, governments and the country as a whole are more intolerant to homosexuals when they are religious i.e more religious people/society and government (importance is given to it) gets, more intolerant the country and its citizens become towards homosexuality.

Which countries lead the intolerance towards homosexuals?

Middle Eastern countries, Russia & China lead the pack in its intolerance towards homosexuals. The Sharia law and the lack of democracy in the middle east is an easy guess, however, Russia & China are distinct addition to the countries which are intolerant to homosexuals, given the fact that China embraces communism and Russia was a former communist country. Social media activist Kanishka Sinha reasons why non-religious countries also comes under the countries which are intolerant towards homosexuality, “the influence of the orthodox church pre-revolution combined with Stalin’s own individual bigotry for gays post-revolution whilst China’s intolerance for gays could potentially be explained by their obsession with conformity and authoritarian disregard for self expression.”
Everybody is minority somewhere in the world at some point, be it by religion or by orientation. Protection of minority rights at any cost, in this case, that of homosexuals, should be adopted as a global resolution that is binding on all countries.
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Editor : The Logical Indian