Dear Pari, India’s First Narrative Podcast On Child Adoption

On International Podcasting Day, September 30th, 2018, Suno India, an independent podcast platform for issues that should matter, launched ‘Dear Pari’ India’s first narrative podcast on child adoption. Aimed at myth-busting and breaking the misconceptions and stigma around the issue, it will also highlight the journey of adoptive families in the society.

Hosted by parents who adopted, Rakesh and Priya, Dear Pari will be interspersed with interviews with parents, adoptees, prospective adoptive parents, counsellors, anti-trafficking experts and government officials along with the parents’ own journey of adopting a child in India. Dear Pari aims to mainstream and normalises discussions that are often held behind closed doors in hushed voices.

“When we became parents of a child who was adopted, we realized, through many discussions that we had with people, that they had a lot of misconceptions on adoption and those who decide to adopt. Also on adoptees. So, we strongly felt the need to tackle this silent and unspoken stigma. We chose to podcast as a medium because we felt that people are often comfortable in being a voice than being a face. Also, it is a great tool for storytelling,” said Rakesh & Priya, hosts, Dear Pari.

The first episode starts with a narration of meeting their daughter the first time, followed by voices of prospective parents waiting to adopt, their motivations and those who adopted and the questions they faced for choosing adoption and how they handled it. It also brings to fore the resistance people wanting to adopt face from extended family and friends while highlighting the importance of extended family’s support for the child.

This multi-episodic series which will deep dive into the world of adoption in India with each episode discussing different aspects of adoption in India- such as how to adopt, stigma and misconceptions among society about families and adoptees. Single parent adoption, challenges in adopting special needs children and older children are some other topics that will be explored in this podcast.

Episodes will be released every Sunday.  You can know more about it here

The Logical Indian in collaboration with Suno India shall be doing a series of articles on the issue of adoption. If you have any story to share, please mail us at [email protected]


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Editor : The Logical Indian