She Was Caught Travelling Ticketless, Know Why She Refused To Pay Fine!

Source: Mumbai Mirror| Image Courtesy: india

India has been struggling with scams for decades. But the recent reports of Vijay Mallya defaulting a loan of Rs 9,000 crore has caught the imagination of the common man. In a bizarre incident, a woman caught travelling ticketless in a Mumbai local train refused to pay the fine of Rs. 260 citing that Mallya didn’t repay his debts. 44-year-old woman justified her act as fighting for the poor though she herself is not that poor.

She is a homemaker staying at a tony tower in Bhuleswar, South Mumbai, where apartments rent range between Rs 5 and 7 crores. Her husband is a businessman. She was returning home from Elphinstone station on Sunday at around noon when a lady ticket checker asked her for the ticket. But she had not purchased the ticket worth Rs 10. On asking to pay a fine of Rs. 260, she wanted to meet the station master.

After going to the station master’s office she kept mentioning about how liquor baron Vijay Mallya had escaped a bank loan of Rs 9,000 crore. She kept on arguing for almost 12 hours in the station but no one was able to counsel her. At last, she was taken for a medical check-up, without which detaining a woman is illegal. She was finally let off at 11.40 pm at night.

The Logical Indian requests to every citizen of India to have faith in India’s law and not break the laws. Travelling ticketless is illegal. We ask everyone to abstain from such acts.

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