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Fight For Justice & Equality: Over 50,000 Muslims Sign Petition To End Triple Talaq

Inhuman and Unconstitutional 
A group of Muslim women under the Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (BMMA) have taken up the fight against the inhuman and un-quranic practice of triple talaq or the oral talaq through which men divorce women. The movement by two women has reached epic proportions. Their signature campaign has reached 50,000 signatures.

Wrecked havoc in many Muslim women’s lives
The triple talaq which does not have sanctions in the Quran and yet it has caused havoc in the lives of many Muslim women and children. BMMA seems to be determined in its fight to eradicate triple talaq and uphold the constitutional values of equality and the rights ensured and bestowed. Contrary to the triple talaq which has no mention in the Quran, the Quran calls for a 90 day proces90-dayialogue, reconciliation, and mediation before divorce takes place.

The Logical Indian congratulates and wishes all success to BMMA in the abolition of the triple talaq. We also request all the women to lend their support and voice to anyone who would like in abolishing inhuman practices and upholding the values of the constitution.

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Editor : The Logical Indian