They Keep Me Alive, They Make Me Happy

via - Humans of Pune  

This is Rajni aunty. She is one of those humans who leave a huge impact on you when you meet them.

“I have seven dogs at home, one is blind, one is three legged. Every morning at 5, my team and I set out to feed about 500 dogs in Pune. Irrespective of the rain or cold, we make sure that the dogs are taken care of. Yes, a lot of money goes into feeding them but in the end, they’re dogs and each one deserves a lot of love. I’m very thankful that these two dogs got adopted and into such a brilliant home! I found them lying in a naala, absolutely malnourished..Its been 6 months since then and deep down I just wish I didn’t have to give them away. Dogs keep me alive, they make me happy.”

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Editor : The Logical Indian